[TWO] panic room - Au/Ra

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Izuku woke up in a bright room with his arms, legs and waist strapped down to a bed. A thin white sheet covering his body from the cold air. The smell of hand sanitizer and stale air had izuku opening his eyes.

He looked around the room, it wasn't too big, with two doors that had sloped handles and no locks.

He looked around more and a brown desk sat in the corner with a locked tv sat on top of it, a window across the bed was closed.

There was a small opened closet that had one pair of sweat pants, a green shirt and a thin, grey zip up jacket. A pair of socks and boxers sat there, folded.

The room had a small flow of cold air that came through the 5 inch gap under the door. Izuku tried to lift his arms, but the straps were tight on his wrists.

Before he could do anything, a shadow under the door and then the door opened, a lady walked in with a small smile and a clipboard.

"Good morning, midoryia. Glad to see you awake." The nurse says, as she makes her way to izuku. She stands next to him with a smile on her face.

Izuku sees her looking at izuku up and down, a small frown on the corner of her lips.

"Sorry that we had to restrain you, but, once we know that you're fine, we'll take it off! And the muzzle..." She sounds apologetic, but it didn't sound sincere enough.

Wait- muzzle? He hadn't noticed the tight, restricting piece of metal on him in the beginning, he tried to look down, and sure enough, a black muzzle sat on his face.

His eyes burn as he stares at it, he feels weak, and laughable. A tear falls from his eye as he looks back at the nurse.

She gives izuku a sympathetic smile.

He shakes his head and lets out a sob, though it sounds weird as his mouth was clamped shut tightly.

It was painful and
uncomfortable on his face.

The nurse sighs and goes to reach for his hair, but he Snaps his head away from her touch.

"I know this must be hard for you, but it's necessary." She tells izuku.

He feels tears falling down his face as he looks away from her, embarrassed to be tied down and muzzled.

"I just wanted to come in here to tell you, that I will be your nurse until you leave. My name is patrovah, And also, breakfast will be in half an hour. A guard will come get you and take you to the cafeteria for food, then bring you back here." Nurse patrovah says, before leaving the room.

Izuku watched as she left, and closed the door. He fell back into the beg and let's his body take over in shaky sobs and sniffling.


Half an hour later, a guard walked into the room, he came up to izuku and started unlocking the cuffs on his body. He kept the muzzle on as he pulled izuku up with his harsh grip.

Izuku winced at the tight hold on him as he was basically pulled down the halls to a small cafeteria.

It wasn't that full, only a few other paitence sat at small tables or lined up for food.

Everyone there looked tired, and warm down.

As izuku and the guard walked in people looked up and at the two, mostly izuku. As he was a new paitent. The gawped at him. Staring at the muzzle on his face.

He looked down from the stares as he was pushed in line with the others. A plate was shoved into his hands and he waited in line for food.

He finally came to the foods and stuff was put onto it, he left the line and looked at the tables he could sit at.

Most were empty so he went to one in the corner with no people.

Izuku sat down with his plate and food, he stared at it, questiong ho he was going to eat it with the muzzle on.

The guard that brought him in didn't look like he was going to take it off anytime soon. He sighed and just stared at a wall on the other side.

His heart started to beat faster as he could hear all the chattering. A small voice in his head grew, from the small whispers to talking..

slowly they became loud, to the point of shouting. Talking over one another.

He tried to ignore them, but it was hard, ever since he was 6, it had started. He couldn't explain why, but soon, those small voices became more, then vived images he couldn't tell from real or fake.

They always felt real. Then to things that happened around him, he always felt paranoid, to the point he couldn't leave his room for weeks.

A chair scraping against the floor bought him out of his head. The voices slowly started ebbing away and the feeling of itcyness left.

He looked up to see a red haired male sitting across from him, he had a too big of a grin and somehow sharp teeth.

"Hey! You must be new!" The teen said, waving at izuku.

Izuku nodded slightly. He would have smiled, not for the muzzle trapping his mouth. "Cool, I'm kirishima eijirou, but you can call me Kiri!"

He nodded again, not knowing what to do.. he couldn't exactly talk to kirishima. The red head fi Aly must have realised with the widen of eyes as they locked on the contraption on his face.

"Oh shit- my bad dude, wasn't paying attention." He said, izuku nodded as he looked down. "Hey! Guard! Get this thing off his face so I can hear his voice!" Kirishima shouted at the guard.

Izuku looked up with shock as he saw the red haired teens body half twisted tawords the guard. Said guard sighed and came up to the table. He gripped the muzzle on izukus face hard and pulled.

Izuku winced at the pinching of the metal on his cheeks. The guard undid the lock and pulled it off him, before stepping back.

The green hair'd rubbed his face and sighed in relief. His cheeks were sore and his jaw felt like it had been punched for too long.

"That better?" Kirishima asked, izuku nodded.

"Y-yeah." Izuku muttered. He looked up at Kiri with a smile, the red head smile back before turning around.

"Oi! Bakubro, c'mere!" Kiri shouted at a blond that had a scowl on his face. The blond looked over at the shouting male and rolled his eyes.

He sat down with a heavy thimp on the chair next to him. Basically throwing his plate down on the table as he crossed his arms.

He looked up and saw another teen on the other side of the table, he glared at him and izuku looked away.

"Oh, I didn't get your name, cutie." Kirishima winked at izuku.

He blushed as he stared at the table, "midoryia izuku." He mumbled, before looking through his lashes at the other two.

"Awesome! Cute name. This is, bakugou katsuki. My manly man!" Kirishima said exitedly. Izuku looked over at the blond again and was met with narrowed eyes and a scowl.

"Deku hah!? What a shitty name." He growled.

Izuku brisled at this.

"It's izuku- not deku." He said, pouting at the angry blond.

Said blond huffed and rolled his eyes before taking a bite of his food.

"Whatever deku."

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