(Part 4) The U.K

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Charlie wakes up in Scott's house the next day and picks up her stuff that she needs and takes it downstairs and then Grabs breakfast.
"Morning Little one." Scott says walking in and making a coffee. "Want one?"
"I'm good Scott. Just want some cereals." Charlie says grabs some and making breakfast.
"It's a big day for you." Scott says sitting across from Charlie at the dinning table.
"What going to the U.K?" Charlie asks as the door has a knock on it.
"I'm not sure." Scott smirks before going to answer the door and comes back with Sapnap.
"Hey look who it is my brother-in-law." Charlie laughs.
"We aren't even getting married yet Charlie." Sapnap says.
"Still I predict you will get married one day." Charlie turns to the time. "Oh look I've got to get to the airport."
"We'll drive you." Scott says grabbing his keys.

They drive to the airport where Charlie is saying goodbye to Scott.
"I'm going to miss you little one." Scott says.
"I'm going to miss you too." Charlie replies.
"Don't get yourself and Tommy into trouble for the next month." Sapnap tells her.
"I'm not going to get anyone in trouble neither will you two because we are not missing a trip to Florida." Charlie says pointing between the both of them.
"We won't." Sapnap says.
"Now don't miss your flight." Scott says giving Charlie her stuff and a push.
"Bye boys." Charlie runs to catch her flight.

On the plane for the last time before she ends up in the U.K Charlie messages Tommy.

Hey I'm on my plane now should be with you in 10 hours.
See you in 10 hours then.
I love you. 
The last message was deleted.
What was your last message?
Nothing, see you in 10 hours.

See you in 10 hours.

Three hours later Charlie arrives in the airport and grabs her luggage and her phone out.

I'm in the U.K now I'll see you once I find a taxi willing to take me to your house.
Or you could just turn around?

"What does he mean?" Charlie turns around and sees Tommy. He runs towards her and picks her up.
"Charlie, it's good to finally see you." He says spinning around while still holding her.
"Put me down Tommy I want to get a good look at how tall you are." She says causing Tommy to put her down and she looks up and down at Tommy. 
"You are taller than I thought." Tommy says.
"So are you for some reason, I thought you would 5 foot something." Charlie says.
"Five foot something why?" Tommy asks.
"I'm not sure I just imagined you were." Charlie says picking up her stuff.
"Let me take that for you." Tommy says taking Charlie's bag and leading her to his mom's car.
"Thank you Tommy." Charlie says on the way to the car.
"For what?" Tommy asks.
"For making me get out of the house and leave the States." Charlie replies.
"Oh well you're welcome."  Tommy says stopping and turning to look at her. "Well I'm happy that I finally got to meet you in person."
"Really?" Charlie turns to him.
"Yeah we have been friends for a month so I wanted to at some point meet up with you." Tommy says, Charlie sees him blush before looking away.
"You are blushing, why are you blushing?" Charlie asks worried she has done something.
"Nothing." He says continuing to the car.

Tommy and Charlie walk to the car in silence and see Tommy's mom sat there waiting.
"Hello Mrs Simons." Charlie says walking up to the car.
"Charlie hello nice to meet you, I see my son's being a gentleman." Tommy's mom says.
"Yeah he is." Charlie says and sees Tommy go bright red again.
*Werid.* Charlie thinks.
"Let's get going then." Tommy says as Mrs Simons opens her car door and Tommy opens one of the back doors for Charlie and closes it once she gets in.

They talk on the way to Tommy's house and when they get there Tommy helps Charlie out of the car.
"Wow this is your house?" Charlie asks surprised.
"Yeah until I'm 18 me and Tubbo are moving in together in Brighton." Tommy says taking Charlie's hand and taking her into the house. His father is not home but Tommy takes her upstairs to the room she would be staying in.
"Thank you, again." Charlie says to Tommy.
"You're welcome. If you want to get changed I'll leave you to do so." Tommy says going to walk out the door.

Charlie gets changed and finds Tommy sat outside her door on his phone.
"You didn't have to sit out here Tommy." Charlie tells him. 
"I know but I wanted to wait for you." Tommy says. "I'm going to be streaming soon so I wanted to see if you needed anything." 
"I'm fine Tommy." Charlie says.
"Well come on I'm streaming soon so come and watch me stream or even stream with me." Tommy says wanting Charlie there with him.
"Okay fine, I'll join you." Charlie says and Tommy once again takes her hand.
*I like holding his hand.* Charlie catches herself thinking as she and Tommy make it to his room.
"I'm going to grab an extra chair." Tommy says as Charlie looks around and he come back in with an extra chair.
"You have a nice set up." Charlie says as he enters.
"Thank you." Tommy says sitting the chair for Charlie next to his. "There you go."
"Thank you Tommy." Charlie says stilling in the spare chair.
"Your welcome Charlie." Tommy says sitting next to her in his chair.
Tommy tweets that he is streaming in half an hour and Charlie gets a notification about it.
"You have my notifications on?" Tommy asks and Charlie goes red.
"No, it was something else." Charlie says getting he phone out to say she's streaming with Tommy in half an hour on his channel.
"Okay then, do you want a drink?" Tommy looks at her in his chair while setting up his stream.
"Sure, can I have some water?" Charlie replies.
"Yeah of course you can, I'll go get us some." Tommy says he gets her some water and himself a can of coke.

Half an hour later they start the stream and it's a Q&A stream, Tommy does his introduction. These are some of the Questions and Answers they have.
"How Long has Charlie Been in the U.K?" "I arrived in the U.K today, I left at 11 am in American time and got here 10 hours later."
"Are you two dating?" "What no!" "No I only found out who he was a month ago." Tommy seems sad because of this statement and Charlie notices this out of the coner of her eye.
"Is Charlie going to join the Dream Smp?" "I don't know would you?" "I mean if Dream invites me." "I can show you around then or maybe on our next stream." "Maybe."
"Can we draw fan art of both of you together?" "I'm not sure, I mean if Charlie's comfortable with it." "I am if you are." "Yeah I am so I guess so." "Just no Smut."
"What are your guys favourite shows?" "Oh I'm not sure." "Heartstopper, The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, not Legacies that show was bad and Pretty Little Liars.(A few of my favourites)" "I have seen none of those." "I'll show you them at some point while I'm over here."
"Halloween is coming up, what are your favourite horrors?" "Um I've only see It, Fear Street and The Rings so I'm not sure." "Saw, is that counted as horror?" "Phycological horror I've heard."
"Happy a month early birthday Charlie." "Thanks lovelies." "Wait your birthday is in a month?" "Yeah I told you before coming over here." "I don't remember that."

They answer more questions and then end the stream.


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