Chapter 19-The Date

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A/N: Question. Which Voice Actor do you hear when you read the lines of  the "you" in this fanfic? Or do you hear your voice from real life? Do let me know.

It's another day in Amphibia, and a special one for you.

You were certainly nervous because soon you would have to go on your date with Marcy. Well not actually soon, you still had 3 hours left , it just felt soon because you are bloody nervous mess.

"Y/N I-"

You yelled in panic.

You turned around from the mirror to see that it was Grime who was trying to speak before you interrupted him so suddenly.

"Sorry Grime. I was in panic, actually I still am."
You said with your hand on your neck.

"Uh, what did you want to say?"
You asked him.

"I was gonna..."
He pauses.

"Nevermind that, you are clearly a nervous mess and I can't let you be like that."

He said.

"What? No, No, No! Im Fine, just tell me what you wanted to say!"
You quickly answered.

"Absolutely not, you clearly are nervous and I can't have you be like this, especially when the Invasions gets closer and closer every day and also for your date with Marcy."
He quickly said.

You were about to argue back but didn't know what to say.

You sighed.
You answered Frustrated.

You decided to take a seat on the sofa.
Grime sat down beside you and put a hand on your shoulder.

"So, are you nervous because of that date?"
He asked you.

"No, I'm nervous because I'm being hunted by a murderer. OF COURSE ITS BECAUSE OF THE DATE!"
You snapped at him.

Grime widened his eye. He didn't expect you to snap like that.
He however remained, calm.

"Okay, clearly this upcoming Date is putting a lot of pressure on you, you need to cool down."
He states.

"But how can I?"
You ask.

"Well, first of all, you should remind yourself  that you still have 3 Hours left until you have to go on that Date, plenty of time to prepare yourself."
He answered. You calmed down a tiny bit at that statement.

"And second of all, I will help you prepare."
You raised a brow.

You asked confused.

He answered enthusiastically.

"I been engaged once, remember? I'll know how to help! Don't worry."

He said, trying to reassure you.

You were about to object, but realised that he probably actually would know what to do.

"Okay fine."
You said, willing to listen.

"Good, I think we should begin with the most simple question: What are you gonna wear for the Date?"

He asked you.

You raised your hand but quickly put it back down.

"I don't know."
You answered honestly.

Grime sighed.
"I now know why you are such a nervous mess."
He says.

You just looked down in shame.

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