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Minami shimawa atakai~


Atama boka boka

Aho baka~

"You're phone is ringing-yoi"

"Wait my favorite part is coming!"


The blond man never heard this song before and it was sang acapella to boot. The song doesn't even makes sense and it was sang hilariously but he knew that the singer was actually pretty good if only they sing seriously.

Kita no shima wa samui~


Atama buru buru

Aho baka~

Ace sang along to his ringtone before picking the thing up and went outside to talk to the person on the other line, leaving the blond guy with a styled pineapple hair - which he denies profusely, confused. After a few minutes the black haired man came back with a huge grin on his face.

"Okay. Something good happened. Spit it out-yoi." The blond man cross his arms to his chest mirroring Ace's expression.

"Isn't my ringtone awesome?! Oh my baby sister's going're finally going to meet her!" Ace said excitedly before looking at him sternly. "But..behave yourself, okay? I know my sister is cute and all and that's not her fault but Marco..I'm telling you-"

"I know, I know. I won't touch your sister, geez-yoi. Seriously? You and Sabo need to fix that sister complex you know." Marco sighed. Ever since he became dormmates with these two his quiet college life changed. Because they can't even shut up for one second, either they are arguing or gushing about how cute their little sister is or just trashing the whole place.

"Okay, I believe you." Ace replied crossing his arms.

"Anyway, what's with your ringtone-yoi?" The freckled man's face immediately lights up and his cold demeanor was replaced by a fond smile.

"My sister made that song! Isn't she the cutest?!" He gushed then his face turned dead serious. "Why got a problem with it?"

"No..I just thought that it's.." Ace raised his eyebrows at him and before he could continue the door opened revealing the other brother.

"Oh Marco, you're here. How's your trip?" Sabo asked while he was removing his shoes outside the door. It was rare to see Marco with them because he's always on a trip or working somewhere else so this is like one in a bluemoon occasion.

Marco heard the voice and smiled lazily at Sabo. "Well, I couldn't find an inspiration-yoi and tomorrow's the deadline." He sighed and scratched his head. Seriously, this is one hell of an assignment he just couldn't find the perfect photo for the theme.

"Hey! Sabo! Lu's coming over!" Ace said excitedly as he prepared meals in the kitchen. Sabo immediately light up with the mention of his sister.

"Really?! But it's late..I hope someone will at least accompany her.." He sighed and move to his room to change clothes.

"Well, too bad. I guess it's my win." Sabo can't see his brother's face but he knew the bastard is grinning.

"You just got lucky that she picked you.."

"Shut up! Don't be such a sore loser." Marco couldn't help but chuckle at their childishness. Fighting over who their sister is going to call first is just plainly immature. To be honest, he shouldn't be surprised at this since it was just a natural occurrence with the D brothers.

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