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Quartz woke up peacefully. His eyes are still closed but his mind is trying to climb up from the world of dreams - from the pleasant dreams he had since Gabby's dreaded misfortune. His body was in perfect health. After all, pleasant dreams connote perfect health - because the body repairs itself during sleep.

He tries to move his hands and feel the blanket. He was then surprised, he has no blanket, just felt the native banig (woven coconut leaves). He was lying flat with one pillow under his head. It was still a perfect feeling.

He then swallows a little. Then remembers he was having a good dream with some true romance with Gabrielle. He remembers kissing her mouth is a perfect angle touching everything sweet in it with his tongue, "It was just a dream which I have just awaken to," he murmurs to himself. "I feel I am not inside my room." He slowly opens his eyes... slowly... he found it hard to do this action because it is as if they were closed for a century.

Then, he opened them fully quickly. He was surprised he actually was not inside a hotel or in his room. He is in a place he never remembers coming to when he went to sleep last night. Worse, he cannot remember bringing himself to sleep. The last thing he remembers is he was travelling towards Sagada, then a miraculous event occurred - people were protected from the meteor because of him. Then... He does not remember however forceful his intention is.

But it sure is a perfect bodily feeling right now. Feels absolutely good. He remember those times when you woke up in perfect health, you bet he likes it. And he feels he is having an erection because of this. "My body must have had a perfect sleep and repaired itself completely." And went on wallowing himself to drift again to a half-dream about kissing Gabby after his celebration of his grand promotion in his office.

"Who is Gabby?"

Quartz jerked in surprise to realize he was not alone in the room. And a girl's voice is asking him a personal question about what he was dreaming of. He straightened himself quickly. He was searching for a blanket, pillow or something to cover his "awakened one" in an abashed way. Beams of morning light was fast filling the pine-walled room. His banig is spread directly on the wooden floor made of thick planks of fragrant pine. He feels he had grown a lot of facial hair during this time.

The girl is at the doorway. There is no "door" but just a thin floral designed curtain, which was the girl's background while blurting the question. She was not angry - just dying curious.

"You know her?" Quartz counter-questioned. Could she read my mind or something?

"No." She chuckled.

"Why do you know her name?" Quartz is getting crazy.

"How could I not know, you kept repeating her name a million times every day and night!" She is beginning to understand that he did not know what happened after the miracle.

"She is my girlfriend."

"Oh! So you have a girlfriend after all!" Then she ran off down the stairs.

"What the shucks I am into right now?!" Good thing he is still wearing something - shorts and an old white shirt, and yes, no underwear - he better make sure he had something on before he leaves this room. He caught a thin traditional blanket and wrap himself with it.


The first drop of sun on his face was magnificent - he felt he missed it for so long. "I am in Sagada!" The familiar view of pines and rolling mountains and heavenly clouds greeted him through the window - the majestic play of lights on the pine cones and spindle leaves and dew. Old memories poured in - just as he was in perfect health, the memories were also perfect - memories of childhood friends and how fun it was in this sacred place.

He went down to the first floor of the house - it was nice and cozy and just right. He smiled. Chocolate is bubbling. Camote (sweet potatoes) are on the table on metal plates.

"Nice to see you're finally up!" Said the woman who Quartz remembered to be in the bus with him. "You must be really exhausted with what energy you have released on that bus that you really needed to rest."

"Good morning." Quartz was puzzled with the impression that he rested for a long time.

"You were resting for almost 2 weeks. I am so happy you are in good shape after that long rest." She is pouring some chocolate on a cup to serve Quartz. "Have a seat and have your fill. Soon I'll be serving you some fish. Just start off having these."

Quartz almost fainted. And the good mood suddenly crashed. Questions after questions went streaming in his mind continuously for one minute. He was at a loss and blank for a few seconds.

Manang Loring noticed she spoiled his good mood. She began to massage his arms and palms. Her old hands still strong and her eyes still has the capacity to look firm into another - which she is doing now with Quartz. Then she went around and massaged his shoulders and back. Quartz was pleasantly enjoying this gesture and felt thankful. Then she bent down and massaged his legs. "It was still a miracle that your body has not at all shrunk because of that long rest. Where are you from son?"

The cold December morning gave him a lot of reason to tighten himself in the blanket he is wearing. "I am from Besao," still enjoying the foot massage. "But I left there a long time ago and have not had any contact with my father - don't know if he is still there."

"I am Manang Teodora, they call me Loring - don't know why. And this is my youngest daughter Imee," the 19-year old girl pleasantly greeted Quartz with a sheepish smile from behind her mother's shoulders. Loring pushed her daughter to shake hands with Quartz - Imee childishly ran away after merely touching Quartz' fingers - went back behind her mother. It was almost obvious she had a crush on Quartz - these naive country girls, they never really succeeded in hiding their feelings.

"Thank you so much for taking care of me. I am Quartz del Rosario. Thank you for the nice massage Manang Loring. I am so lucky to be here in this place."

"You are always welcome." Imee gestured to start eating the camote while it still hot. "A man was looking for you - Quartz - and he had wierd mustache, so I did not say anything to him."

That added to the mystery that was already brewing in his guts. He just pleasantly brushed it off with a smile and invited both of them to eat with him. Manang Loring quickly went to the stove and began frying dried fish. She took out some tomatoes and placed them on the sink to clean. He devoured 5 large camotes mercilessly in a snap to satisfy his 2-week hunger for nourishment - the body needs the elements to fully repair itself.

Quartz had a full fill. Imee cleaned up. Quartz started to get his brain to work on what really happened. He looked at the army of pines and the shadows they make with the beams of sunlight. He was mesmerized with it. He stood up and started towards the door. It seems he didn't notice Loring. He was half-dreaming what if he just forgets it all and live among them and...

"I can answer all of your questions, Quartz..." Loring stopped his steps by clutching his right arm. "... if you are prepared to face them."

Quartz looked back at her, "Do you know my father?"

"Answer me first son..." Loring's facets changed into a shamanic stare, "Is your heart prepared, son, to meet thy father? Or would you rather let the sleeping hell alone in the cave?"

He let out a long breath and closed his eyes... for a moment he listened to what his heart is telling him - what does he really want? Do I really want the truth? Or the easy facade-like lies? Answer me! Answer me NOW, please...

"I recognize you, Arturo from the star birthmark on the soles of your feet."

"Who are you, really?" Quartz gently opened his eyes. Who really am I?

"I can take you to your father... now... Let us waste no time."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2015 ⏰

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