Trail and error

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The following evening, Emma said she was heading to bed early (of course it was a lie). The 11 year old, spent a few hours making a decoy her out of fabric and wool so she could sneak out again. After Emma put the decoy under the covers and played a snoring recording ready(because she snored). Once she got to Sarah's house she pounded on the door. As planned Sarah opened the front door.
'Emma, why do you have the sceptre of voices?" Sarah asked still half asleep
"I'm here for your voice for lying about me!" Emma replied with a smug grin
"Wait your stealing my voice!" Sarah said shocked (she went pale)
Just then Sarah tried calling for help but her voice got softer and softer until it was like lip syncing.
While Emma was sprinting home she put the sceptre back and broke the security cameras so she wouldn't ,get caught in both acts. Emma climbed up the ladder quickly and quietly then fell asleep knowing Sarah will be silent forever.

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