A New Dance.

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TW: Sexual Assault. Abuse.

Requested by Anonymous

Hobi sighed in frustration in the middle of dance practice. He was trying to teach the group a new number but it was extremely difficult.

It seemed like none of the others could get the movements down the right way, and Hobi had even altered some of the choreography to make it easier. Jungkook was also frustrated with himself because he kept accidentally bumping into Taehyung. The others seemed to constantly trip over their own feet.

Sometimes Yoongi would simply give up and walk away from the group to go sit for a moment and drink some water.

"Let's face it, we're hopeless," Yoongi pouted as he sipped his water after giving up for the third time that day.

"No we aren't, I think we could all just use a bit more help," Hobi told his hyung. He decided he was going to call in an extra dance instructor to help the guys out. It was clear they all needed more individual help and instruction than Hobi could give. He was only one person. In a perfect world he would have called in six more dance instructors, but he couldn't for the sake of time and money.

"Another dance teacher would definitely be helpful," Namjoon agreed. Everyone else nodded in agreement that it did seem like a good idea.

The next day at practice a man showed up while the guys were warming up and stretching before rehearsals. He introduced himself as the new instructor.

"I'm Sik-hul but you can just call me Sik," he bowed and the members bowed back. Jungkook turned to Hobi, "Wow hyungie, how you'd get an instructor so quickly?"

"I just told the company I needed one and they called someone," Hobi turned to Sik, "Thank you for coming!"

"Absolutely!" Sik said cheerfully. They all immediately got to work on the areas they needed to improve. Sik ended up spending a lot of extra time helping Yoongi. Nobody payed much mind to it, they figured Yoongi just needed a lot of extra help. When someone else would have a question and Hobi was busy already, they'd call Sik over and he'd go help. Yet as soon as someone said they were all set with help, he'd go back to Yoongi even if the rapper hadn't asked him to.

Yoongi started to feel slightly uncomfortable when Sik stood by and watched him practice intently without paying much mind to the others. Finally he turned to him, "I think some of the others should also go be monitored a bit, yeah?"

"Oh yeah, sure, sure!" Sik said. Yoongi tried not to think too much of it. In his line of work he was used to people being a bit clingy and close. Some people were just like that. He continued to practice in the mirror and when he struggled a bit more with a certain step he decided he'd rather ask Hobi for help this time.

"But he's helping me right now," Jimin pouted.

"Sik, can you go help Yoongi?" Hobi called over to him.

Yoongi sighed. However once Sik was done helping him he seemed more attentive to the others until practice for the day was over and everyone departed. Hobi told everyone that he could already see their improvements and owed it all to the new instructor.

The second practice with Sik the next day had been just like the first. He was very into what Yoongi was doing, but every now and then would help the others. Yoongi decided he needed a break and went and sat for some water. Instead of going to someone else, Sik followed him to where he was sitting and stood closely in front of him. The position and how close Sik was standing to him was making him feel a bit uncomfortable.

"Shouldn't you be helping someone else?" Yoongi asked as he chugged some of his water.

"Right, of course. You're doing great by the way. You're improving quite quickly. It's quite attractive how fast you learn." Sik grabbed Yoongi's shoulder and squeezed it, smiling at him before turning on his heels to get back to work. The rapper sat there somewhat dumbfounded. Attractive? What the hell?

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