A New Beginning

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Emma woke up the following day, screaming with tears flowing quickly down her cheeks. She was still in a crib unable to get to her mother. Regina's eyes widened as she heard the piercing screams from her daughter. The raven-haired woman quickly made her way to the nursery as she lifted the small blonde in her arms. "Hey, my little one what is wrong. Can you tell mama?". Emma shook her head as she clung to her mother still crying by the screams had turned to whimpers. The little one was unsure how to explain or tell her what was happening.

Regina sat in the rocking chair, sitting Emma on her lap. "Here let me look and see what's going on. Mama isn't gonna leave". Emma reluctantly let go of her mother's pajama shirt. Emma looked up with red puffy eyes before she began to rub them attempting to wipe the rest of her tears away. Regina began rubbing small circles on her daughters back with a soft grin, attempting to hide the worry in her face. "Let me see baby. Anything hurt?". She had looked over the toddler but did not see any marks or cuts. Emma then nodded her head, as she pointed to her head, and then her stomach. Regina then placed a kiss to the girl's head to check her temperature. "Oh, my princess is burning up, and has a tummy ache. Don't worry, we will get it all fixed, okay?".

Regina then grabbed a fresh pull up, and a summer onesie to assist on her daughter to remain cool. "Let's get you a quick bath. Mama will just put you in the sink, rather than the big tub". Regina knew that she'd fight her on taking a bath, so making it seem like a new adventure for the toddler was the best way to get through to her. Emma then clung to her mother once again as she felt her stand and carry her down the stairs.

Regina continued to small circles, attempting to soothe the little one. The brunette made her way to the play pen, only to ensure she couldn't get into anything at the moment. "Mama will be right back princess. I'm gonna get the sink ready and get you some juice to help with that tummy". Once placed down, Emma began to cry again not wanting her mother to leave her side. Regina frowned, but moved into the kitchen, so she could come back quickly. The sink was running with cool but warm water. Regina set the extra clothes aside on the counter and moved to get one of Emma's small dragon sippy cups. She then filled it with apple juice and added medicine to it. The brunette knew the little girl would not be willing to take anything.

Once done, Regina went and lifted the screaming child back into her arms. "See, I told you mama would be right back. I just needed to set the stuff down. Shhh baby, breathe. You don't want to make yourself sicker". As soon as the words left Regina's mouth, Emma had puked down the front of both of them. Regina attempted not to grimace as it occurred but sat the girl on the counter removing her pajamas carefully. Emma whimper softly and mumbled "mama uckies". She whined softly, squirming on the counter attempting to get back into her mothers' arms.

Regina shook her head, "I can't hold you at the moment. How about mama goes to change her shirt first, and then we get that quick bath to cool down". She lifted the small blonde holding her out for a moment, before placing her in the play pen once again. Regina then moved upstairs quickly, changed her pajama shirt in for a light purple tank top. She made her way back down to the lifting Emma back into her arms. "There, much better. Now lets get you cooled down".
Regina removed the girls pull up and set her gently in the sink. She used a cup to pour water on the girl's hair, before giving in allowing Emma to play with the cup. After around 5 minutes, Emma looked up with pleading eyes. "Mama don?". She titled her head slightly raising her arms up making grabby hands towards her. Regina wanted to wash the girl's hair but wasn't going to push it since she had a bath the previous night. She nodded and lifted the toddler up into a fluffy purple towel. Emma quickly cuddled into the towel, against her mother's chest letting out a soft sigh. Regina noticed her daughter was getting comfortable, as she whispered to her, "We have to get you dressed princess". Emma was sat on the counter, on top the town. A new pull up was slid on. Regina guessed that there would be plenty of accidents today due to the girl being sick. The blonde was placed in the onesie before being lifted up once more. "There we go little one. How about we go cuddle and have some juice?". Emma nodded "wudy?". She whispered softly insisting that they watch toy story. Regina chuckled lightly, "alright princess. We can watch Woody".

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