20/20/20/20/20/20/20 Mode!!!!!

26 1 0

GASP!! Awww!! The Earth DIDN'T explode !! It was olny just a dreeeeeam!!*knock knock* Looks like a person is at the door. *opens door* Springtrap! Chica! Foxy! Freddy! Mangle! BB! Marionette!! What are you doing here and why are you burnt!!!??! *Springtrap hands me a newspaper* Fazbear Fright…BURNS TO THE GROUND!!!!!???! Ya, so... can we stay please? Fine! On only one condition you can't go anywhere and- That is 2 conditions. FINE! And you can't order any thing! Not even pizza. Sorry Chica. I could order pizza. Go get a paint job, but I will have you guys act dead and I will get someone to do it. And DON'T kill him!

5 hours later...

You guys look great! Good as new! Even Springtrap! Wait... where is the painting guy? *Foxy points to a grave*

    R.I.P. Painting Guy

WHY PAINTING GUY!!!! WHYY!!!!!! Alright, who dunnit? *all points to BB* You are grounded!!!

3 hours later

Goodnight guys!! Night!

Wait… it's 12 A.M

Umm... I hope the children's souls are free... Luckily I have a camera! Wait, Foxy is at my bedroom door!! *knock KNOCK KNOCK* Should I open the door? *opens door * Foxy what is it!? I had a nightmare, can I sleep in your room? Will you kill me? No. Here is a sleeping bag. Ok. Goodnight.

1 second later...

*knock knock knock* What is it now guys!!! We all had nightmares, can we sleep here? Yes.*groan* Goodnight.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2015 ⏰

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