Goku vs legic

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Goku POV let's get outta there GH karrot  whoa  die Bart ahhh what why can't I hit u crap dad who the hell are you I can handle this dad we can do this  ahhh karrot  what the I can turn super Saiyan  ahhh ahhh  dad take this   I get u both ahhh   u okay yeah it barely did anything  me  die Goku bardock what that's all u thought they was going to do something  what a joke u going pay all those people back screw u  u very  good but not good enough ahhh right across the battlefield up here ahhh ahhh  I was starting to get bored  we babysitting u all the time get u outta hehe sorry  legic now u going give those people  back everything u owe them right  I have a feeling the main guy probably would come o  if we keep on cause trouble  u know yeah I know  how embessing they couldn't handle us I can say this guy did give me but of collage how n the hell u turned  super Saiyan I have no idea it just happened good thing am proud of u for real  don't u dare tell anyone I said that get it  I finally get all my ki that I lost turning me into this  well am just happy I can do this again I have to learn how to work with this somehow  just glad I can trun super Saiyan I never thought I could it would Lost forever.

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