android suga part 3

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Goku POV u sure about this Goku am not sure karrot your the medicine oh right  lets do this  ahhh what he can take my ki dammit  ahhh what going on the heart virus take him outta here  please be Goku I heard a voice  meanwhile ahhh bardock n Vegeta showed where karrot that hurt virus damnit  I know u don't know anything u bucket of blots  tell me android can feel fear ahhh haha it finally worked  cutting his head off die wait they are not android what u talking about kid  what did they look like there where two a girl wit blonde hair  n boy wit black hair wit orange bandana on I see  he setting  take this Goku this should help  gine give Goku the medicine  wait a minute I know that guy  that's Dr gyro hell of science but never heard from aagin  looks like we found a lab here   that's them don't touch that  android 16  I don't remember android 16 he  has favor I feel some power   we here for Goku  no Vegeta ahhh come this boring we have find Goku Goku u okay yeah I been hearing what was going on  good thing u took that medicine huh so these androids huh I see there more powerful  they just showed up n killed everyone they looking for u talking about killing me mm it can't be what is it home I notice they two  rr on them  I think this the red ribbon army  how can u tell my father yes it has to be them who else can be .

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