Prologue: Screams at Musutafu

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In the bustling streets of Musutafu, five ambulances could be seen speeding towards the nearest hospital. Each one of them contained a student barely clinging to life.

A variety of burns, going from first to third degrees. Frost bites, explosions, burns and impact, multiple broken bones, concussions, fall damage, blunt weapons damage, you named it.

The kids were beaten to a pulp.

Multiple officers were on the crime scene. A security perimeter has been set and some heroes were patrolling looking for the one responsible for this deed. But nothing could be found.

The passersby were still too shaken by the screams and struggle of the middle schoolers to answer. They didn't even get to see the children nor the attack, the only thing they witnessed were the screams coming from the alleyway. Needless to say that the interrogations were useless.

Coming back to the crime scene, it was a massacre. Craters, scorch marks, destroyed walls, blood and ice were at the party. The personal belongings of the five middle schoolers were scattered and destroyed. Their wallets didn't escape the aggressor's fury. The money was gone, their credits and identity cards were burned and that's not even talking about their barely recognizable wallets. The villain took it's time to make a maximum of damages.

Needless to say the officers were shocked at the level of brutality the criminal displayed towards the five middle schoolers.

A report from the patrolling heroes informed the on site officers that the villain still hasn't been found. Not that they could do much without description or a sighting of the criminal.

There wasn't anything to be found in the first place.


In a Cafe a few kilometers from the scene, a smiling boy could be seen crossing something in his notebook.

He took a sip of his coffee and smiled even more.

Leaning back, a satisfied sigh escaped his lips. His seemingly perpetually closed eyes looked serene for once.

The boy stayed in this position for a moment before opening his eyes slightly revealing a toxic green hue.

"Now, let the payback begin."

He said, getting up and exiting the shop. While humming a song, he began thinking about his next moves

A/N: Thank you for reading! If you have suggestions or any advice please comment here! Don't forget to vote if you liked it! See you in the next chapter!

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