Chapter 2

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By: NyanKittie


Chapter 2


A/N: Ok so her grandparents on hers moms side were rich and left them lots of money when they passed and her grandparents on her dads side are still alive, not poor, but not rich. I wish my grandparents were alive well ill say 'hi' to them one day in heaven. Happy Reading!

The warm sunlight shined into my eyes as daylight broke through the foggy atmosphere. Then I noticed where I was. I was at the hospital. The calendar showed up as a Sunday. Then I remembered that the crash was on a Friday because we were heading home from a diner that we always went to on Fridays. I guess I slept a while. That was weird seeing how I barely take naps for an hour. I looked over to my side and saw a tray of food with some orange juice. I nearly shoved the food down my throat while I was eating. I guess sleeping for a day can work up an appetite. I saw a note on the other side of the tray and it noted: 'Hope you feel better soon, I brought you your favorite blanket with your phone from your house. Love, Jaden'

I smiled and remembered the day I was home alone and I locked myself out of the house and Jaden climbed up to my bedroom window and unlocked the house from inside even though my bedroom was on the third floor. He told me to always have a spare key under your place mat just in case. I guess that's how he got into my house to grab my things.

When I set down the note I picked up my blanket/ quilt and laid it over my body and I texted Jaden right away. About three minutes later, he walked into the room and he hugged me tight.

"Were you here all this time?" I questioned.

"Well I was here most of the time but I had to leave a little while ago to bring you your things." He paused, "I was taking a walk when I saw this" He opened his hand and I saw the key with a broken chain attached to it. It was all burnt up and it looked like it was run over.

"Isn't that the necklace my mom gave me?" I asked and I studied it.

"I thought it was so I brought it to you" He replied.

"Hey, can you get the doctor to come in here?" I asked.

He nodded and walked out the door.

The doctor walked in with a clipboard in her hands. "Hello Miss Anna, do you need anything?" She asked.

"Yea, I would like to know when I'm scheduled to leave."

"I will let you know once you have been examined for any unknown cuts we've missed." She replied.

"Can I do that right now?" I asked in a rushing manner.

"Yes, right this way."

I started to get up and I noticed I had a pink cast on my leg. "Where are my parents?" I asked. I got no reply.

Later that day I the doctor came in and she said, "You may go, here are your P.E notes and here are your instructions for your cast."

"Where are my parents?" I wanted to shout.

"They are unable to leave right now." She said with a sad look on her face.

"Well can't I see them?!" I asked.

"Yes, but not for long. They're in room 215." She replied. I nearly ran out the room if I could. Instead I had to drag around my heavy cast. Once I got there, I walked in to see what I thought was my parents but they looked like strangers. I looked at the door and saw that it was room 215. My dad was burnt all on his right side and my mom had a big cut across her forehead. They both looked horrible and I couldn't help myself and I broke down in tears. Jaden was at my side and he gave me hug and told me it was gonna be ok. The doctor came in and told me it was time for them to get back to surgery and I had to leave. I stayed in one place and wouldn't move. I wouldn't leave my parents. They needed me. I needed them. I was carried out and I grabbed my things and walked out with Jaden.

When I got in my grandma's car, I told her to drop me off at Jadens house. She asked me if I wanted to come to her house but I told her ill call her when I am ready.

When I got there, I could hear the faint sounds of the dogs barking when I walked up to his door. The door bell chimed and the creaky door opened and I saw Jadens little sister, Joey at the door. She was in her pink little tutu. "Hi!" Joey greeted me with a huge hug. "Where have you been?"

"Well, I was in the hospital" I replied.

"Jaden! It's for youuu!" She chanted and ran down the hallway. Jaden and I went up to his room.

"Will you go with me back to my house to find out what is with this key?" I asked as I pulled out the chained key.

"Sure, I was wondering the same thing." He replied

I grabbed my bag ( I left at his house once) and stuffed my blanket in an left to go to my house.

A/N Sorry I haven't been on much, I've been busy but ill try to update sooner! Ok so it's like 4 Am right now and I'm finishing it right now because there was a high speed chase with police cars and flashing lights down my street. Now I hear a helicopter. I'm in parinoid mode right now. Bear with me ok? Well bye. I'll update Soon.

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