meeting Donnie

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Y/n's pov: I was doing some psychology homework when I got a call from a random number, I decided to finally pick up my phone and respond... "Yellow, this is your local anarchist speaking, Y/n the wildcard at your service, would you like me to set something on fire or something else flashy, I'm great at making explosives...!"

Donnie's pov: I hung up the phone and looked at the number, it was one of April's human friends, you see the dumb dumbs, my brothers, had thought that it would be a good idea for me to make friends with someone else and so they begged April to give me this Y/n person's number, I rationalized and thought about it and there wasn't much too loose except for time of course, but this person seemed interesting, so I called y/n back and they immediately picked up...

Y/n's pov: "It's the same number again", I pick up my phone that I'd previously set down and accept the call, "Yo you actually gonna speak space cadet, I need to go to sleep in an hour....!"

Donnie's pov: "oh so I run on your time now..."

Y/n's pov: "You were the one that called me first, or did you forget, listen as much as I love hearing your voice I need some sleep, I've got a big project I need to do tomorrow, a client of mine is requesting that I demolish slash blowup a house for a movie shoot, and yes I am legally licensed even if the place I earned my license from was a little bit sketchy.... anyway what's your name random guy...?"

Donnie's pov: "uh I'm not sure I should disclose that information, but for the record it's donatello, but most just call me donnie... but you, you can call me Othello Von Ryan....!!!"

Y/n's pov: "yeah I'm not going to call you that Don, hey send a pick of what you look like and I'll send you one of me, actually I'll send one of me first, besides most people already know me by my Webb page, uhm here I just sent it...!"

Donnie's pov: "why would you send me a picture of you, more importantly why would I send one of myself to someone I just barely met, let alone the fact I haven't actually met yet....?"

Y/n's pov: "then send one, or are you chicken...!"

Donnie's pov: "huhhhhh....! Le gasp, you insult me madam, Othello Von Ryan isn't afraid of sending a picture, in fact you can have the best picture I've ever taken...!" Oh,no what have I done, great now they're never going to want to talk to me again.....

Y/n's pov: "wow, I'm gonna be honest not what I was expecting, but you're not the first mutant I've met actually..."

Donnie's pov: "Oh thank god, oh wait wha- wait you've met other mutants...?"

Y/n's pov: "yeah I mean, there's a lot of mutants out in the world now lately, hey don...."

Donnie's pov: "hmmm...?"

Y/n's pov: "uhm do you want to meet up at this mutant an human friendly Cafe I know, they serve really good coffee, um uh and they have these new pizza muffins, they probably taste like ass, but April mentioned something about a friend named Donnie liking pizza and it doesn't take much to know she was talking about would you want to meet up, I'll pay, so don't even worry about it."

Donnie's pov: "Sure as long as you're paying..."

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