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𝕌𝕡𝕥𝕠𝕨𝕟 𝕕𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕖 𝕤𝕥𝕦𝕕𝕚𝕠

"I'm scared I don't know how to dance." Jayden spoke to the person on the other side of the phone pacing back and forth.

"Just take your time learn the dance vibe to the song and if something don't seem right speak up." Jhene reassured her trying to calm her down

"I just don't want to mess up I never did this before" Jayden told her before sighing trying get herself together before the dancers came

"I want to go homeee or his home whoever home it is and watch eurphoria"

"Unt Unt don't change the subject get up and stretch" jhene rolled her eyes at her younger sister knowing she will drop everything and go home.

"We'll try again in tomorrow I'm not in the right headspace right now" Jayden told her getting her business phone and rescheduling

"Why what's wrong they messing with you up there" jhene asked scrunching up her face

"No there actually really nice" Jayden smiled at the thought of them

"Aww you got little brothers now real violent ones" jhene poked her bottom lip out mumbling the last part

"Don't do them love, oh and there's one name kd he has the cutest ears he's soo in love with you it's cute." Jayden ramble to her grabbing her Chanel purse and opening the door and walking her way out the building to her car

"Awwn that so sweet but I gotta go Sean's here"jhene replied getting her stuff together

"Bye I love you kisses" Jayden quickly rushed her words out before they both start making kissy sounds and hanging up

Putting her head against her car she took a deep breath before opening the car door and getting in and starting the car

"You have call from cassia"

Declining the call she kept on her route to kentrell house pulling in the driveway she stopped the car and got out walking to the seeing it was unlocked she walked in

Seeing the house was empty she shrugged and found her way upstairs in her and Bella Room, took off her shoes and got in the bed turning on eurphoria

Sighing when she heard loud noises come from downstairs she liked it there but they were loud all the time she hated loud people

But a part of her felt happy she hated being alone and with all this stuff going on with Na'jour she wanted to be with people that Made her smile and ever since she met them she's been smiling nonstop.

"Jayyyy" kd busted through the room door making her jump

"Yes" she gave a slight smile feeling like she wanted to cry she was tired and wanted to sleep plus her period stared this morning

"Did you do yo' lil dancy dance on them hoes" kd asked jumping on the bed

"No I rescheduled it my sister didn't want me to but—

"Hold on Ion wan' hear nothin' else when you say sister you talkin' about jhene" kd cut her off tilting his head

"Yes sir"

"You told her about me" he giddily asked her kicking his feet back and forth

"You know she got a boyfriend right" she laughed at the frown on his face

"Ion give a fuck about little Sean" he replied shrugging

"Not to much on him" she mushed his head

"Don't you got a nigga to" he pushed her hand away from him

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