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"I was geekinnn' I was high as fuck teakinnn'." Jayden yelled running down the stairs going to find everybody else.

"Please do not come down here with that shit why you think we came down here." Kd told her not looking up from his phone to see her frown.

"Okay now when you want to go to that corner store to get them Mexican Candy's." Jayden replied rolling her eyes when she saw him quickly look up from his phone.

"Amigo you know I love you, I was geekinnnn sing it wit' me." Kd sung after throwing his phone down and grabbing her hands.

"get off of me perra." jayden said, pushing him away with her face twisted up.

"turn me up im tryna fuck point to the slut." bella sang coming out the kitchen.

"girl you is the slut no shade wit' no shade wit' it." kd moved his hand back and forth by his neck, hurriedly moving away from her.

"kelldrick please stop talking me not in the mood go climb some trees or sum." bella told him going over to the far side of the couch getting on her phone.

"what's wrong bell?" jayden asked, after walking over to the far end of the couch giving her a sly smile.

"nothing I'm just tired jayden." bella replied, bitterly never looking from her knowing that jayden was frowing.

"did i do something?" jayden questions, burning a whole in bella face watching her expression not change.

"i just don't want to talk right now." bella blankly responded getting up and brushing past jayden walking to bathroom.

"she did not wan' ta' talk ta' you." kd spoke making a yikes face making jayden look at him before looking who was coming in the door.

tryna stop her smile but failed terribly she stood there in the daze frowning when she saw him go straight to his room

"all ima say dont go in his dungeon fa' five hours." ben told them, scratching his head with herm and kendell behind them.

"whats wrong wit' the devil seed now." kd asked rolling his eyes

"dont know he aint say nun he seen sum and start flippin' out." kendell spoke up, not looking up from his phone going straight to the guest room while everybody left back to nba house leaving jayden by herself.

sighing she began to make her way up stairs before beginning to debate if she should go in her own room go see whats wrong with kentrell.

standing in front the door she twisted the nob before going in not seeing kentrell until going in the bathroom seeing wrap his hand in bandages.

"oh my gosh what happen?" jayden asked,
her eyes going wide only for him not respond but continue wrapping his hand.

"kentrell are you okay?" she walked over to him  frowning at the blood in the sink and the fact he was ignoring her.

"did i do something wrong?" jayden turned his face to look at her but was quickly removed by him walking away and laying in his bed.

following after him her frown deepened getting on the bed facing him sitting criss cross seeing him give her a blank look.

"where you was at the otha' day?" kentrell spoke up, after five minutes making her slightly flinch.

"uh getting my nails done i told you that though."  jayden stated truthfully, brushing her lips together in a confusing manner.

"jayden get out my face mane" kentrell replied, shaking his head before grabbing his phone.

"first of all don't tell me to get out your face, tell me what I did, why are you not communicating with me?"

"Ima hurt yo' feelings stop speaking ta' me gang." kentrell told her, not looking up from his phone just continuing to scroll.

cocking her head to the side she crawled over to him and took his phone, before getting on top of him locking her arms around his neck seeing he was trying to remove her.

"why are you being like this me? you can't fuck me the way you do and start being weird." jayden dragged, locking her legs around his waist once he sat up.

"I ain't the only one you getting dick from so it don't do me nothin'."  he mumbled, shrugging giving up on trying to get her from off him.

"what are you talking about? I only be here I don't go anywhere, I haven't been home just in this bed every night sneaking around like a kid." jayden drew her head before responding to him.

"so you aint see yo bitch ass boyfriend being on dat' fuck ass instagram shit?" kentrell angrily asked her watching her face twist up in confusion.

"no I don't follow him nor' do I be on instagram like that because I really don't care what he post." jayden shrugged watching him pull up a video somebody posted on instagram.

"y'all keep asking me where jayden at like I ain't just see her five minutes ago that's my wife we for life  stop listening to the net."

while she looked at the video while nothing he said was true, she still never officially broke up him not only because she was scared her father but because he knew how to reel her back in.

"he's fucking lying and you should know that, they been went back to LA and so what me and you are not together." jayden regretfully told him when she saw the look on his face.

"bet"  kentrell smile nodding his head making her sigh

"can you please just listen I'm not getting back with him okay, im not going anywhere i love being here i don't want to go no where." jayden took a deep breath before speaking softly looking him in his eyes.

flipping them she laughed as kentrell chains started dangling in her face while leaning down for a kiss, closing her eyes once she felt his lips come in contact with hers. pulling back he looked at her before speaking.

"I don't wan' you ta' go no where you got the best pussy I ever been in." kentrell told her, seriously making her hide her face with her hands feeling her face get hot.

"ken stop that's nasty, you basically saying you tolerate me because of my nani." jayden responded, her voice muffled due to her hand over her face making him laugh.

"mane i was dealin' wit' that crybaby shit befo' we fucked and ion' deal with dat from nobody." kentrell states, truthfully before pulling her hands from her face.

"do you trust me?" jayden blurted out, watching his expression before he start talking.

"ion trust nobody my own family left me fa' dead so dat shit hard fa' me." kentrell replied getting up and sitting on the edge of the bed making her get up as well sitting down next to him.

"I will never leave even if we're not on the bests terms you can still call me I will be there" jayden told him putting her head on his shoulder.

"I would take anybody life for you, the only person I trust."

"as long as I'm here you will always have someone in you corner I promise."

im back for good bc my coochie pink😛

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