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A week later

"jayden me avergonzaste la semana pasada." Jayden's dad John told her in a disappointed tone .

"lo se papa pero no puedes hablarle asi" Jayden replied, sighing she knew this was coming even if was over something simple.

"No, puedo hablar de ese chico de todos modos, puedo deshonrarme.." John kept going really upset.

"él y yo somos solo amigos papá, no puedes controlar nada de lo que está pasando en mi vida." Jayden slightly raised her voice playing with end of her biker shorts.

"Puedo controlar lo que quiera, nadie te va a amar como Na'jour, es mejor que hagas las cosas bien.?" John told her, making her frown at the mention of Na'jour.

"papa no se el no me esta hablando ahora mismo." Jayden replied, ready to hang up in his face.

"bien por él, te amo mija pero eres un estúpido estás a punto de perderte algo bueno por un thug" he continued saying words that he knew would her.

"me ha engañado varias veces estoy cansada de ser fuerte solo quiero dejarlo todo."Jayden truthfully told him, looking at the ceiling to keep him out of her head.

"jayden te ama, ese chico solo te quiere por una cosa nunca te amará ¿ves el tipo de mujeres con las que trata?." John brushed her off getting his point across.

Jayden put the phone down and ran her fingers through her softly, still continuing the conversation, before she knew her fingers were slightly tugging on her every word he spoke.

Before he hung up he told her something made her rethink leaving Na'jour, but Jayden didn't know what to do her mind still had lot of maturing to do.

Her dads approval meant the world to her he meant the world to her but nothing she did was ever enough for him.

Sitting back down she pulled at her hair some more not hearing someone come in the room, she began to tug harder. Feeling someone softly pulling her fingers away she looked up.

"What's yo problem Marie?" Kentrell asked, wincing once he looked over her red scalp that was peeling.

"I don't want to talk about it can you please lay with me?" Jayden told him, looking up at him watching him nod.

Getting up Jayden went to the side of the bed and pulled the covers back, kentrell doing the same thing to the other side as she got in he got in next to her putting his arm around her while she laid her face on his chest.

"At least you not crying'." Kentrell spoke up trying to lighten the mood, making her force a laugh.

"Shut up." She told him playfully, before pulling her face from his face and looking at him.

"Ion' wan' you pulling yo' hair dat shit look nasty." He told her, looking up at the ceiling rubbing her side.

"I know and plus I'm already balding in the middle." She replied, hissing finally feeling the pain on her head.

They both sat in silence for 20 minutes just thinking, while Jayden problem should've been thinking about what her dad said all she could think about was kentrell.

"Ken?" Jayden spoke up, biting down on her bottom lip, making kentrell look at her.

"Yea?" Kentrell gave her a look of confusion.

"Do you promise to always be my friend even when I go back to LA?" She asked softly, her most vulnerable state coming out.

"Jayden you my only friend where else ima' go?" Kentrell asked, smiling down at her.

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