Chapter 4

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This has some angst in it.
Chapter 4
Past memorys

Noot- I mean, Nightmares POV:
'Why would he do this?... He used to be so kind.... He was as kind as him' I thought to myself as ##### disappeared as I stayed chained in what he would call 'his void'.

I smiled as I remembered how Dream used to be since that calmed my anger but also a bit sad since he is dead.

It hurt more since...I saw it happen.. I should had helped him but I didn't, I didn't know why I didn't help him.

He used to be so happy too..
But then ######## came along.

3rd person/no ones POV:
Nightmare couldn't escape no matter how hard he tried.
He was filled with madness.

Dream had drawn memories in Nightmares mind,
Memories he could never erase.
He had painted colours in his heart,
That he could never replace.

The memories flooded in his mind,
Remembering his brother from past behind.

He had only seen how he had died but he hadn't seen what happened in the prison.

Terrible things had happened there.
It was a place he hoped to never remember.

Some of you just remember some visits and Quackity torturing him but there was more.

Each time that Quackity came to torture him he always ended covered in blood.

There were always more scars than last time.
And he always laid in a puddle of his own blood each time.

But one of the most notable parts about him were his eyes.
They were dark and lifeless eyes.

They initially were a bright green, reminiscent of spring grass or glittering gemstone like emeralds.
But they were now the colour of wilting leaves.

They say that the eyes are the gateway to the soul, and if that's the case then it went to show how broken he was.

He used to be so free and so full of laughter but now he has nothing other than torture and a obsidian cell in wich all he could do was wander around.

Days, weeks or even months could had passed but he had lost track.

He didn't care anymore.
That at some point he begged for one thing.

All he begged for was freedom.
He begged for freedom.
He begged for freedom.
He begged for freedom.
He begged for freedom.
He begged for freedom.

At some point the Goddess of Death heard his begging.
"Hello little one" she said as she appeared infront of him.

He begged to set him free.
For she asked in what way in wich he had responded with "death".

She said she couldn't free him that way but he kept begging.
He said he'd be happier that way but the goddess told him otherwise.

She just watched as he pleaded for her to help him by killing him but she had refused.

He had eventually given up and fell asleep.
The goddess held him in her hands as she said "How much harm have they done to you?"

She eventually set him down for him to rest but the next day he still begged for death. And the next day, then the next, and the next.

He just wanted freedom but at some point the goddess lost touch of him.

No matter how hard she tried she couldn't get in touch with the mortal anymore.

So Dream was just left begging there.
He calls for help, yet nobody came.
Sam just watched him through the camera's with a sigh as he slowly stopped taking care of him. He had stopped coming to the prison for a while leaving him to starve.

He seemed to go insane each day that went by.
Yet something was still in his state of mind since the beginning.

And that was peace but that thought that was in his state of mind slowly went away the more he was in that cell.
Tears were rolling down his face the more he begged.

After a few weeks the Goddess of Death finally got in contact yet again with the mortal that needed severe help.

She heard his pleads for help and she was glad she did, after all the goddess worried of the mortal.

She appeared in the cell and turned swiftly towards him.
Once he saw her she begged for death yet again.

At wich the goddess replied with "Its not your time yet dear, your suffering will have redemption in the end. But only if you make the right choices".

Dream just kept begging, begging, begging, begging, begging, begging, begging, begging, begging, begging, begging, begging, begging.

All he could do was beg and nothing else, no matter how many times the goddess told him that it wasn't his time he kept begging.

At some point he had stopped, he stayed silent, he couldn't speak. He was tired.

The goddess left him alone for some time for him to rest.
But once she left he didn't rest he tried to get the handcuffs that were on him that couldn't let him use his powers off.

Once he got them off he was bloody, very very bloody.
He was able to teleport now so he teleported to Snow Chester.

He was heading towards Techno's house, there were some flowers along the way and when he passed them they all wilted instantly.

He got tired, after all he was already tired and weak...
Everything went black for him.

Roses were red
Violets were blue
But now the flowers are dead
And soon he will too

952 words.
Almost made it to 1k but oh well.
Also im practicing poetry so if in future chapter's they're bad then im sorry

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