Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

He's stopped for now


I didn't quite understand what it was trying to say.

I closed the book and put it on the bookshelf.

Ollie was gone, 'Where did they go?' I thought to myself.

I searched my whole entire room but Ollie was no where to be found.

Perhaps they were downstairs, I left my room and headed downstairs.

There was no one downstairs, 'guess they all went to they're rooms already..' I thought to myself.

I searched downstairs but Ollie was still no where to be found.
'where did they go..?' I thought to myself worried.

"Ollie?" I said, "..." there was no response.
Where could they have gone?

I went back upstairs, there was a flower trail leading to my room. (It was also midnight)

I followed the flower trail leading to my room and when I got to the end it had lead me to a mask that I hadn't seen before in my room.

"Wait.." I said as I recognized the mask.
It was the same mask as the person before.

The mask had a sad face.
Just like the person from before.

I picked it up, I blinked and it wasn't in my hands anymore.
It was on the bed now and the flower trail was missing but one flower was on the bed beside the mask but it had blood on it.

I went and picked the mask again and I blinked.
The same thing happened, the mask was gone but more flowers were on the bed but they had more and more blood.

I looked behind me..
The mask was floating.
Words appeared out of no where and they said something I couldn't understand.

Its said:

"Alqolto roio ha w qgixoioi lto lb klg yheeox cro crioo lb croq.
    lto lb klg rwx awnihbhnox croq. Swa hc cro ihzrc xoahnhlt?... Crwca bli cro qgixoioi cl xonhxo"

I didn't understand but the words disappeared, and so did the mask.

What was it trying to say?...
'Perhaps DayDream knows..' I thought to myself.

"You think I know what?" I heard him say.
'y-you didn't see what I saw?' I asked.

"I can only write and be in your thoughts but I can't see what you see Ghostdre" I heard him say.

"Can you remember what it said?" I heard him say.
'no.. I couldn't understand what it said in the first place since the words were distorted'I replied.

"Alright, I'd like to help but for now you're on your own unless I could see.." I heard him say.

I need to find out what it said..

######## POV:
'Such an innocent ghost.. little does he know how he used to be... He'd be mortified if he knew what he did.' I thought to myself.

'Thankfully he cant see me..' I thought to myself looking at the ghost known as Dream.

'It will take him a little while to find out what that message said' I thought to myself, it was a good thing that he wont find out so soon since that just saved me more time.

I teleported back to my 'black void' as I liked to call it.
"Heh, im surprised you put up a fight in the first place.
It was really foolish of you to think you'd win in the first place.... Thzrc" I said as I then laughed.

"Stop that! #####! It isn't funny.." I heard him say.
"It also isnt fair that you told him in a distorted language!" I heard him say.

"We had a deal.. You gave me your powers and I warned him but you never said in wich way I could tell him Thzrc or since you dont like me talking in that distorted language should I call you Night from now on?" I replied.

Nightmare just stared at me mad. He was about to lunge at me but I guess he forgot he was chained so it only hurt him more.

"Why would you do this!?... You were so kind..what caused you to turn into the MONSTER that you are!" I heard him yell.

I turned around, my back now facing him.
"The truth is what caused me to be this way... If you knew how I feel then you would have done the same, wouldn't you?" I asked.

"After takes the truth to fool me, and the truth is that it was never meant to be" I said as a large grin grew on my face.

Nightmare stayed silent, he could say anything.
"Remember, you still owe me Night" I said.

813 words.
I apologize that this chapter is shorter than the others.

Its just that I dont wanna lose my last braincells trying to figure out how to make it interesting for all of you and because I dont want a headache-

Anyways hope you have a nice day!

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