I love you |M|

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I never see any books with eczema portrayed so...
Eczema is a skin condition that creates dry itchy patches on your body. Some have it worse others have moderate. I'm on the worst side, I'm a rare case. It has affected all parts of my life and its hard to talk about sometimes. So this story is for me.

"Hi can I please get a pineapple surf, 32 ounce."
"Sure, will that be all..." Oh she's pretty, like really pretty. Her eyes seem soft, but her demeanor commands respect. Does that even make sense? Her cheeks are puffy in the most adorable way, but her face is almost stern like.
"H-Hello? Are you okay?"
"Oh! I'm so sorry...um is that all for you today?" I try to seem natural like I wasn't just caught staring. She nods her head. Her phone starts ringing mumbling an 'excuse me' she steps away.
"Hello...Yes...Absolutely not, I won't let you. I have told you twice before my answer will always be no...if I have to tell you again lord help me." She pinched the bridge of her nose and clenches her jaw.
"No! If I come back and the plans are changed, you and everyone that helped will be fired! You have had more work than this in the past and I will not put up with you or your subordinates laziness! Get it done by the due date or you can kiss your next check goodbye! I'm hanging up."
The bass in her voice makes my knees weak, the way she barely raised her voice is astonishing. I can tell she's pissed but still smiles when she turns back to me.
"Sorry about that, they think cause I'm short I'm easy to step on." I nod and continue making her smoothie. I hand her the drink when she goes to pay I push her card back towards her.
"Its on the house, you sound like you're stressed. I hope your day gets better."
"Thank you so much, are you sure? I can pay another day." Her eyes shine with hopefulness and for some reason I can't say no.
"How about you come back at around 8:30 and I treat you to dinner?" She smiles shyly and simply nods her head.
"That works too, any place in particular?"
"Wherever you wanna go Gorgeous."
"Hmm, have you ever been to Texas Roadhouse?" I think for a second about the name, it doesn't sound familiar.
"I don't think I have. Hopefully I like it as much as you do."
"Oh you'll love it! They have this really good-"
She's interrupted by an alarm.
"Oh shit! I'm sorry I have to go!" She pulls a business card from the back of her phone.
"This is my number, call me and tell me when and where to pick you up. You can call me Lani by the way." I smirk as she walks towards the door.
"I think I like Gorgeous better!" I shout before she exits the store. She waves goodbye and my manager calls.
"You know that smoothie comes outta your pay check!" I roll my eyes and reply with hum of approval.

8 months later

"Gorgeous! You back yet?"
"Yeah I'm in my bedroom!" I trot through the hallway and go into her room, I sit on the loveseat she put in just for me. She still won't let me lay in her bed, she says its because of the sheets but I don't mind. Her skin glistens as she applies her cream and oils. I can't help but be entranced by her curves, the way her thighs seem squishy but are oh so strong. Learned that after a play fight one night, she wouldn't let me go and I wasn't gonna complain all that much. I would live between her thighs if she let me, she could crack my he-
"Hey! Stop staring Joshua!"
"Sorry, can't help it sometimes." She rolls her eyes as I make grabby hands at her. Still in her underwear she sits on my lap.
"I hope you know your body is beautiful, and I love your skin."
"You're just saying th-"
"How many times do I have to tell you I don't care about your eczema!? You are perfect to me! I meed you to know that I love you and your body and your skin and your mind and everything about you. I love everything that makes you, you. I love YOU!" Her eyes are wide as she looks into mine. She softly smiles as her eyes get watery.
"Aww Gorgeous don't cry. I didn't mean to yell at you." She hits my chest and gets off my lap.
"You know damn well that's not why I'm crying! That's the first time you've said 'I love you' and I don't know how to feel." She crosses her arms, I get up and wrap my arms around her waist.
"You don't have to answer back right now, I just want you to know that whether you have eczema for the rest of your life or until next month I will always love you. And I think you are beautiful, as well as so strong for keeping hope and trying to get your skin clear."
"I love you too, thank you for always being by my side. You are the first person to ever make me feel beautiful in my own skin. Thank you truly." I smile and lean in to kiss her. Her arms wrap around my neck and she deepens the kiss. She pushes me back onto the love seat, straddling me she tugs my shirt off. I flip us, hovering above her my hands caress her sides and thighs.
"I love every inch of you, you know that?" She nods. My head dips down and I pepper kisses on her chest. She tries to move my head away. "Wait, that's the worst spot you might-"
"Don't push me away. I don't care. Push me away again and I'm tying your hands, understand?" Her eyes plead, I keep my gaze and she reluctantly nods.
"Good girl. Gorgeous I know you want to, but I don't mind your skin. I know how much you go through and I know pleasure is better than pain. So please, let me bring you pleasure." I've kissed all the way down to her thighs. She flinches, her legs almost closing. I catch her gaze and I can see how insecure she is. Her legs are the most sensitive part of her body, the eczema trailing from her hips to her ankles. I slowly massage her thighs, the moisturiser she put on making it easier. The low whimpers she lets out making my heart melt.
"Josh...please do something." Her hands hold my face, I kiss her palm before I slowly pull her underwear down her legs.
"Uh uh I want you. I need you close." She pulls me towards her and I oblige. Her legs hooking my waist, she kisses me softly. My hands work to remove my pants as I let her have her way with me. Her hands pull my hair, grab my neck, and squeeze my shoulders. It takes all my strength to not have my body relax on top of her. She gasps as I slowly drag through her folds. She moves her hips up towards me. She nods at me, holding eye contact I slowly insert myself into her. And along with the slow stretch a long moan is drawn from her lips. I watch as she relaxes, her muscles throughout her body less prominent as I slowly start to move.
"F-faster please."
"Not yet, I'm enjoying the view."
"Josh please...can you go faster? I want more."
Her eyes lock onto mine, she knows those damn eyes are my weakness. The snap of my hips make her gasp and smirk. I continue snapping my hips into hers. I angle my hips towards that pleasure point and her back arches into my chest. My favorite part, her mouth hangs open as I focus my attention on that spot. Her moans grow in volume and the only words I can hear are my name. As she looses herself in the pleasure, I gaze at her body. Her toned arms protruding her biceps, her chest rising and falling with every breath. Her soft stomach tightening and relaxes trying to figure out how to handle the pleasure coursing through her body. And those damn thighs of hers, bouncing with every movement of our bodies. Flexing on particular thrusts and  relaxing when I massage the right spot. I will never get tired of her body, the way it looks, or feels, or reacts to my touches.
"Close. So close! Please Josh!" I look at her face, her plump bottom lip between her teeth and her eyebrows furrowed. Her blunt nails slightly dig into my back, not enough force to leave scratch marks though.
"Come on Gorgeous, let it go. You're doing so well for me. You look so beautiful, so pretty and sinful at the same time. That's it just relax and let go." Her moans staccato as her body trembles. I feel her contract around me, her arms, legs, and stomach all tensing at the same time. Every beautiful toned muscle on display. The sight alone makes me cum hard, a long groan escapes my chest. Our hips move in sync riding our orgasms all the way through.
"Hah, I love you so much. Geez that was intense." I chuckle at her, gently sliding out. I pick her up and take her to clean up. After that we re-dress and I get in the bed. Her eyes show insecurity and I hug her close to me.
"Gorgeous get out that beautiful head of yours. I promise I don't mind, you've expressed how you can't help it. Even when you don't scratch your skin flakes. That's okay, I want you to know that you don't have to hide anything from me. If I have a problem I will tell you ok?"
"Are you sure? I can change the sheets-"
"Gorgeous. My only problem with your eczema is the fact that it makes you itch so bad that you scratch your skin off. I know you can't help it, but I'm still worried about the open wounds on your body. Do they hurt?" She shakes her head, she covers her mouth a big yawn escaping her.
"Go to sleep Gorgeous, I love you." She mumbles an 'I love you too' before her steady breaths hit my neck. I hug her tighter drifting off myself.

Hopefully this aint too long, I tried to incorporate as much of my fears of a relationship into here. This was solely based off of what I am scared about and have thought about. (Yes my thighs are the worst part of my body) everything is based off of how I see my body and how I want to see my body. Hope this was informative as well as entertaining.

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