Spontaneous |M|

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So fucking pretty, like abnormally pretty. Why did he have to be so pretty? And god is he hilarious, how is this dude single?
"Lani, you good?" His face softens as he looks at me.
"Yeah, yeah I'm fine." I sit up against the couch and breathe deeply. I need to focus.
"Anyways, so as I'm walking, my buddy decides to completely slam into the back of me, and we go tumbling down the ramp in front of the-" As he catches my eyes he stops. I don't notice as my mind has traveled to dirtier places.
"Lani? Can I kiss you?" That snaps me back into reality.
"Huh? What?" My body heats from embarrassment and excitement
"Sorry, you're just really pretty and the way you're staring at me I don't think its just in my head. You like me." Ok, at least he doesn't think I'm a creep, should I just say yes? "So, can I kiss you? Maybe then you'll be able to focus." He chuckles and leans towards me. I nod and lean towards him too. His hand cradles my neck as our lips touch, slow and steady, not rushed and so gentle.
"There. Think you can focus now?"
"No. Again, kiss me again." My arms travel around his neck pulling him closer, his hands cradle my neck and waist as we make out. I slightly feel his tongue on my lips, as I open my mouth he groans quietly. I move to kiss his neck.
"Oh fuck...I'm supposed to be telling you about my day." I breathe against his neck.
"You still can...just while we're kissing, I want more." I look at his face redden and giggle. I move to straddle him, and wait for him to continue talking. He sighs and shakes his head but continues anyways.
"So we tumble down the ramp in front of the school..." I kiss his cheek. "And then the principal walks out and—fuck Lani!" He yelps a bit as I bite down on his neck, kissing a bit more I speak up.
"Yes, Silas? What happened after the principal walked out?"
"Its kinda hard to focus with you..."
"Hmm? With me what? What am I doing?" His hands fist the sides of my shirt.
"You know what you're doing...just stop so I can finish my story." I nod my head and let him continue.
"...so the principal walks out and my buddy is on my backpack on top of me, and the man just shakes his head and walks back inside...well after my buddy helps me up he says, "by his reaction, wasn't the first time he's seen two dudes on top of one another." And when I turn around to tell him off, the principal was right behind us." We laugh for a minute, before there's a silence between us.
"Is there anything else you wanna tell me about your day?"
"Well, I saw this really pretty girl...she had on a white shirt, and a black skirt, and her smile is blinding. We ended up back at her apartment and now she's sitting on my lap not paying attention to a word I'm saying, cause she's too busy staring at my lips." I bite my lip as he raises his eyebrow at me, my hand cradles his cheek and I swipe my thumb across his bottom lip.
"I know you're talking but for some reason I don't hear anything coming from your mouth, but I see your lips moving and its driving me up the fucking wall." He wraps his arm around my waist and kisses my thumb, I bring his face close and connect our lips harder than before. His hand squeezes my hips as our tongues meet. As I can't control my body temperature, I start to feel uncomfortable in my shirt. I push lightly against his chest to disconnect from him, and I maintain eye contact as I slip my shirt off leaving me in a black bra. I guide his hand under my skirt and onto my ass, and his other hand finds solace on the middle of my back. I shift a bit as we begin to kiss again and this most beautiful noise escapes him. I wait a few seconds before repeating my action and the same magnificent noise travels to my ears. He pulls away panting and red faced.
"Lani, you said you weren't ready to—Ahh! Wait, just hold on—Mmh!" He throws his head back as I continue to grind on him. He lifts my hips up and breathes deeply. He glares at my pout before shaking his head.
"You said you weren't ready to lose your virginity, what are you doing? Are you ok with this?"
"Yes I'm ok with this, I know an alternative that I wanna try with you..." he nods at me to continue. "It might make a mess on your pants though, but its dry humping." His face flushes even more, and I would be worried about him overheating if my AC wasn't on right now.
"Uh yeah, whatever you want...we can do whatever you—Ahh fuck!" I grind my hips slow and hard against him, it sends shivers up my spine as it hits just right against my clit. His hands guide my hips against him, his breathing picks up as I go faster.
"Does...does it feel good? Hmm? Do you like it?" He nods his head and I slow down I wanna hear him say it.
"Darling I wanna hear you say it, Silas does it feel good? Do you you like it?"
"Yes fuck! Please keep going, it feels so good..." He moans into my neck as I grind faster against him. My hands grab the hair at the nape of his neck and guide his head up. I smash our lips together, him responding just as feverish as me.
"Fuck Lani, I'm so close...keep going baby.." I let him guide my hips and bite my lip to keep from screaming out. I feel his hand on my face pulling on my lip.
"Let it go, it'll bleed. You wanna hear me? I wanna hear you too." He stares into my eyes, I let out a breathy moan as I release my lip.
"Silas, god you're so pretty..." he chuckles and dips his head to kiss my neck. I throw my head back and moan his name again and again.
"God Lani, you're so beautiful, you sound so good baby."
"Silas I'm close...let's do it at the same time yeah?" He nods and kisses me deeply, he thrusts up into me and as I moan into his mouth I feel his pants dampen.
"Wanna stay the night? You're pants are ruined..." He laughs and nods his head. I get off of him and lead him to the bathroom to change. We decided to watch an anime before going to sleep.

Um....this was kinda ass, but also something that I wished had happened, but will have to wait cause he left. I chose to post this cause he doesn't have a phone or wattpad, so no way would he see this. Also if he does ever see this, its a win win situation for me, so at that point I could just make it come true😏

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