Five times Nightmare prevents a breakdown

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A/N: I feel like Nightmare lately, preventing everyone else from melting down and thus leading myself to melt down from the stress. I felt it better to write about than linger on.

Nightmare had hoped with the deeper connection all of them had formed would mean fewer issues. He knew it had been wishful thinking, his life had never been quite that generous, but he had the comfort of knowing he could help now. He didn't have to rely on some indifferent mask and subtle gestures to comfort those around him, which he was incredibly thankful for. It didn't happen every day, but occasionally there would be a breakdown in the manor. When everyone you've taken under your care is as mentally fucked as yourself, it isn't all that surprising. Despite the struggle, they all clung to one another to soothe these fears. Nightmare had spent a lot of time on the outside of it, never letting anyone see his self-destruction and, thus, never finding comfort from others.

Perhaps he still had an issue letting people see how broken he could become, but that didn't mean he wasn't trying. He just had a horrible habit of letting it build up to unbearable levels before ever addressing it.

That was fine because as long as everyone else was cared for, his own mind was soothed a little more.


Nightmare had followed the cloud of negativity down the stairs late one night, much to the disgruntlement of his partner. He had slipped away regardless, leaving him to rest while he investigated the source of it. He was unsurprised when he found himself walking through the dining room, sympathy already swirling in his damaged soul.

They had been having issues with supply runs, even after clarifications had been made through the council, as Dream had called it. Despite it all, there were still locations that pushed them back with vehement hatred. They had made the miscalculation of sending Cross to (legally) gather a few supplies and food from a nearby universe that had, allegedly, shown understanding of their plights. That sympathy seemed to have dried up by the time Cross arrived, as he was met with instant retaliation and unexpected combat that had left him with a broken radius. Nightmare had been forced to intervene, defending the downed soldier and calling for his brother for assistance. While watching Dream chew out the group had been amusing, it served as a reminder of the lingering stain Nightmare had left on the multiverse not just for himself, but for his boys.

Anytime there was a supply run failure, despite them having enough to go around, Horror tended to have a meltdown. It was of no fault of his own, long engrained fears from his own home, but it was difficult to watch. The spirit came across him in the kitchen, going over counts for what was probably the sixth time he would guess. There was always lingering panic when he gave in to these compulsions, counting and sorting and refusing to eat for the days it took until Nightmare caught on. It should have been a red flag when Horror remained in the kitchen while everyone else had settled in the dining hall earlier that night.

̶H̶o̶r̶r̶o̶r̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶h̶a̶v̶e̶ ̶l̶e̶t̶ ̶h̶i̶m̶ ̶s̶i̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶r̶e̶ ̶a̶n̶d̶ ̶s̶e̶l̶f̶-̶d̶e̶s̶t̶r̶u̶c̶t̶.̶

Nightmare momentarily paused at this habitual suppression, shaking his head a bit to clear the thoughts before addressing the monster.

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