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First half of the day passed quickly, I was kinda hoping Jimin would be in at least one of my classes but unfortunately not
As the the bell sounds for lunch I pack up my bag and get ready to head to the cafeteria, as I'm heading out the door the voice breaks the silence

"Howdy Neighbor" Jimin says as he stands in the hallway, startling me

"Oh.. I was just heading to the cafeteria to find you" I say turning around to face him

"Here I am, at your service" he says comically bowing then hooks his arm in mine and leads us to the cafeteria

After getting our meals we both head to a table, sitting down I can feel almost everyone staring at us
I totally get it, this drop dead gorgeous  man is sitting with me, a nobody
But I know this would soon change, soon he'll be part of the popular table and I'll be all alone again, which was okay too

"Y/N? Y/N" Jimin calls my name waving his hand in front of my face

"Sorry...I...." I started stuttering

"No need to apologize, I have that effect on woman" he jokingly says wiggling his brows

"I bet you do" I say laughing

"So I really need a huge favor" Jimin starts, cocking his head to the side

"Mmmmm" I say while chewing, indicating him to proceed

"As I told you I've just transferred so I need someone to help me with catching up aaand seeing that we're neighbors I thought that would be the easiest way with me not know anyone around" he says waiting for me to respond

"Jimin, you do realize we do not have any of the same classes right? So I don't think I could be of any help" I say looking up at him

"Well as I remember your grandmother saying and I quote "Y/Ns the smartest one at that college" he says using his hands to accentuate the quote

"She did?" I ask, laughing and facepalming myself

"Yip, so is that a yes?" He asks raising his right brow

Me making my comical thinking face "Yes, so when do you wanna start?" I ask lightly shaking my head

"How about today?" Jimin asks smiling widely

"Okay" I say nodding continuing with my lunch while he did the same

*Time Skip*  

As Jimin and I are silently walking home side by side, I can't help but think about Yoongi and where he had disappeared to, normally he would have showed up by now

"Maybe he regrets proposing" I think to myself

"My house in 10?" Jimin breaks the silence looking down at me

"Huh??....yeah in 10" I say forcing a smile just as we reach my house and I turn to walk up the driveway

I really did not feel like going over to Jimin but I had already promised him, as I reach the door I turn to look back,  to see Jimin still standing at the edge of my driveway watching me walk up, I smile and wave at him and him he does the same then heads to his house next door as I entered mine

I really did not feel like going over to Jimin but I had already promised him, as I reach the door I turn to look back,  to see Jimin still standing at the edge of my driveway watching me walk up, I smile and wave at him and him he does the same t...

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