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×3rd person pov×

yeonjun linked his arm with changbins as they walked into the school. changbin had told yeonjun that he already checked himself in the school.

changbin was talking about a boy he met at his other school.

"he looks exactly like a puppy! and oh my god when he smiles without covering his mouth-"

he paused to show himself dramatically 'dropping' to the ground.

"-hes so f.cking cute!!"

changbin finally finished, his eyes glazed over with a dreamy look. yeonjun smiled and patting changbins butt twice.

"sounds like you're in love~"

changbin stopped walking and gasped, placing his hand over his heart.

"in.... love? oh no not me, you know me I don't fall in love."

changbin muttered, looking down at the ground. yeonjun frowned and set his hand on changbins shoulder, causing him to look up.

"come on, that was years ago. not everyone is like her."

yeonjun said softly, pulling his friend into a hug. changbin nodded and returned the hug quickly, inhaling shakily.

"hey look, isn't that your friend? I saw you leaving his house."

changbin asked, pointing to a boy behind yeonjun. the latter turned around and his eyes landed on beomgyu, who's eyes were red and bloodshot.

yeonjun would never admit it, but he was slightly worried, wanting to know why he looked so tired.

"yeah um no. he's not my friend."

yeonjun rubbed the back of his neck, and changbin noticed.


changbin smirked to himself, already thinking of a plan in his head. yeonjun was too busy staring.. well glaring at beomgyu to notice changbins silence.

beomgyu looked up, making eye contact with yeonjun. beomgyu didn't break it, blinking slowly.

yeonjun couldn't seem to take his eyes off, trapped under the youngers gaze. changbin tapped yeonjuns shoulder, causing him to jump and turn around.

"yeaaahhh not friends okay."

changbin smirked at yeonjuns flustered state as he said that. the older giggled and lightly punched yeonjuns shoulder.

"we're not. shut up."

yeonjun joked, rolling his eyes to cover up the emotions he couldn't describe. he looked back over his shoulder, but beomgyu had gone.

changbin giggled and took off to his class leaving yeonjun to follow.


beomgyu kept his head down as he walked, his hands in his pockets. his mood had been in a sour state ever since the night before.

he reached his class and looked up, his eyes meeting yeonjun. beomgyu stared at him for a second before training his eyes back onto the ground.

his usual cinnamon scent flooded off him, causing yeonjun to look up as beomgyu passed.

"aye choi, who you trying to impress? aww is it soobinnie? well good luck with that he's already taken."

yeonjun sneered, sticking out his foot. beomgyu didn't have time to comprehend what has happened until his foot got caught on yeonjuns.

he stumbled forward, but didn't fall completely.


beomgyu muttered, flicking yeonjun off as he kept walking to his seat.

"aww boohoo go cry about it to your mommy.. except she's not here!"

yeonjun continued, feeling satisfied with the giggles and snickers that came from all around the room.

beomgyu could feel his throat closing up, but he forced it away and sat down. yeonjun frowned at beomgyus reaction.

the younger ruffled his own hair to push it in front of his face, wanting to block out everything.

he kept looking around, waiting for taehyun to walk in, but he never came. sneakily fishing out his phone, he texted his friend.

are you coming to school today?
and do you know where soobin is?

beomgyu waited and waited for an answer, but it never came. he sighed and put his phone away.

yeonjun had been glaring him down the entire time, trying to figure out his problem.

"choi! is your head heavy from all that stupidity? it seems like it since you're hanging your head low."

yeonjun laughed, causing beomgyu to look up at him, his eyes slanted and annoyed.

"is your mouth dry from talking so fuxking much? here, have some water it must be uncomfortable."

beomgyu spat before he quickly twisting off the cap to his water bottle. without a thought he flicked his wrist towards yeonjun.

beomgyu watched in satisfaction as the water landed on yeonjun, making his shirt soaked.

"oh you b.tch."

yeonjun growled, going to stand up but a boy that beomgyu had never seen before had stopped him.

"yeon it's not worth it. let's just go to the bathroom before class starts."

the boy mumbled quietly and yeonjun scoffed, but angerly stood up. beomgyu snickered and watched as the two exited the room.

"hey, are you okay? I've seen you 'round and normally you're bouncy."

beomgyu numbly turned to the side to see a boy with fluffy brown hair, which fell in front of his eyes.

his cheeks were round and puffy, similar to his eyes.

"im good."

beomgyu muttered, but his watering eyes said different. the boy reached out a hand and caressed beomgyus hand.

"get off me I said im fine."

beomgyu growled and the boy retracted his hand, resting it in his lap instead. beomgyu felt bad, but couldn't bring himself to care.

the teacher strutted into the room, his eyes landing on yeonjuns and his friends empty spot.

"where would mr. choi and uh- mr seo be?"

he boomed and all the people turned to look at beomgyu, who rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"mr... choi had an accident and his friend accompanied him."

beomgyu couldn't keep the smirk off his voice, having to bite down on his lip to avoid laughing.

the teacher nodded, huffing under his breath.

yeonjun stood in the door, his friend beside him. yeonjun glared harshly towards beomgyu.

he shrugged and smirked, slouching down in his seat. yeonjun poked his cheek with his tongue and stormed over to his seat, sitting down angerly.

the entire class, the two were giving each other dirty looks.

and yeonjun couldn't wait for lunch to come.


i started skateboarding and its harder than it looks but its really fun to just roll around. but the amount of times i've almost fallen-

anyways thank you for the votes and comments<33

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