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×3rd person pov×

yeonjun paced around his room, angry at himself for kissing him. he was confused, wanting to turn back time and not do it.

yeonjun sat down on his bed and brought his fingertips up to his lips, he smiled slightly at the thought of kissing him again, but immediately stopped himself.

"god, what are you doing to me?!"

yeonjun yelled, standing up and running his hands through his hair frustratedly. he looked around, his eyed landing on the spot where beomgyu had slept in his bed.

"I can't be near him... I-.. I can't, I'll just avoid him, yeah. yeah it's that easy. I won't talk to him, and I'll ignore him."

yeonjun reassured himself, but he could feel himself lying to himself. it was like there was an invisible string attached to him and beomgyu, and it seemed to snatch them to each other.

"he's so annoying."

yeonjun told himself, trying to push the boy out his head. he angrily stomped down the stairs, huffing frustratedly.

he stopped abruptly when he saw changbin sitting on his couch, watching a show.

"the fuxk?! how'd you get in my house bin??"

(a/n gonna ignore that I completely forgot that I added changbin-)

changbin laughed and paused his show, turning around to face yeonjun.

"you gave me your spare key, remember?"

yeonjun nodded slowly as he remembered the day that he had came. changbin immediately noticed the way yeonjuns face was flushed and the distressed look on his face.

"woah, you don't look good. comere, what happened?"

changbin called and patted the bed beside him. yeonjun shook his head and paced around the room.

"I kissed beomgyu, I'm supposed to hate him! I can't like him!! I don't even know why I kissed him! fuxk binnie what am I feeling?!"

yeonjun asked, his words fumbling out his mouth faster than lightening. changbin couldn't keep the smile off his face as he popped some popcorn into his mouth.

"you kissed beomgyu? I knew it!!!"

changbin called and threw popcorn at yeonjun. changbin then stopped, his jaw dropping as he looked at yeonjun.

"I thought you were dating soobin..?"

yeonjun froze and slowly turned to changbin with horror on his face. yeonjun made a noise that was somewhere between a groan and a yell.

"what am I supposed to do?!"

yeonjun yelled, crumbling to the floor. changbin stood up and crouched down next to him, setting his hand on his back.

"at school, tell beomgyu the kiss didn't mean anything, and if you want, tell him it was a dare."

changbin said and yeonjun nodded blindly.

"just don't tell soobin..... I guess."

changbin muttered and yeonjun nodded again. the older rose, lifting yeonjun with him.

"now get ready for school, you big dummy."

changbin laughed and pushed yeonjun to his room.


beomgyu and taehyun got ready at beomgyus house, silence throughout his room. beomgyu quickly stripped his shirt off, which smelled like yeonjuns house, and threw it to his bed.

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