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Quick note: I wanted to tell you guys to feel free to comment as much as you'd like... It makes me feel more connected to you and will make the story better so pls don't shy away :)
You can also dm me if there's something you'd like to discuss or have any requests/ideas about the story
Love you all

Lance: I want to talk about 'that'

Estie: that 'that'?

Lance: yes

Daniel: what is 'that'?

Charles: 'that' is a delicate matter

George: that indeed is

Lando: I hate 'that'

Max: everyone hates 'that'

Mick: 'that' makes me sad

Seb: what's going on with 'that'?

Lewis: you know what 'that' is Seb?

Seb: no, I'm trying to figure 'that' out though

Lewis: same

Val: is 'that' what i think it is?

Guanyu: yes, that's 'that'

Lewis: omg, George just told me about 'that'

Checo: I need to know 'that' too

Max: come to my driver's room, I'll tell you that

Alex: Seb should have never done 'that'

Pierre: true, 'that' broke my heart

Seb: someone tell me what's 'that' about right now

Nando: I don't know how to feel about 'that'

Yuki: wait, you know 'that'?

Nando: Yes Esteban explained 'that'

Kevin: 'that' was and is a bad decision

Lewis: Seb how could you do 'that'?

Daniel: ohhh now i remember 'that'

Charles: 'that' made me cry

Checo: 'that' made Max cry too

Max: hey, you weren't supposed to say that!

Daniel: if it makes you feel better Max, I cried over 'that' as well

George: same, 'that' hurts

Daniel: and yet 'that' didn't effect you like it effected me:)

Carlos: we didn't see 'that' coming

Seb: I'm so confused about 'that'

Nicky: the irony is 'that' is about you

Lando: YOU are responsible for 'that'

Lance: and 'that' led to a chaos

Daniel: and 'that' put me in a bad position :(

Carlos: that's why 'that' is just bad for everyone

Mick: no one wanted 'that'

Estie: no one needed 'that'

Pierre: 'that' was just too early


Guanyu: who's gonna tell him 'that'?

Alex: he should realize 'that' himself

Seb: oh wait I think I know what's 'that'

Max: you do?

Seb: is 'that' about my retirement?

Lance: that is correct

Lewis: 'that' was so not right 🙄

Charles: how could you do 'that'?

Lando: how could you even think about 'that'

Mick: 'that' almost killed me

Lance: Seb I can't believe 'that' is what you want

Seb: kids come on, 'that' is not even that bad

Charles: are you kidding me with that?

Mick: how can you say that????😡

Lando: when 'that' happens, who's gonna take care of us?

Seb: I'm sure you'll be just fine boys

Carlos: i doubt that

Max: Charles is already broken because of 'that'

Estie: Mick tears up whenever we're talking about 'that'

Seb: guys I think it was about time for me to make that decision. But you all should know that I will always be there for you.

Charles: even though that hurts to not to have you on the grid next year onward, but I still love you so much

Mick: I will miss you in the paddock

Lando: you will always be our dad

George: true

Charles: yes

Mick: he certainly will

Alex: we will always support you

Lance: thanks for everything you thought me💚

Seb: I love you my sons🥺
Well I hope you enjoyed that (😂)

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