Volume 1 - Chapter 12 - Kyoto, Asgard and ...

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Word count: 24k



Jin Skyward


I look around me and everything was just white, no sound, no type of scenery, just a vast blanket of white.

"What the hell... Where am I?"

I don't remember anything about how I got here or anything. Ddraig? Albion? Cúntóir? I called out to the two dragons and system but they didn't answer.

"I should just walk then; it will be better than just standing still."

Nodding to myself I pick a random direction and start walking. There was no sound at all, not even my footsteps.

As I walk, I try using my abilities and they're still there, so if I get attacked, I won't be useless. That's at least reassuring. On my silent journey, I'm unsure of whether I am making any progress, or if I am just walking in place because everything is so white.

Suddenly, it started to lightly snow.


Suddenly, snowflakes started falling from above me. I wasn't sure if I should call what was above me the sky, as it was mostly white like the rest of this place.

The drift of snow calmly fell from above, it didn't change in intensity as I thought it would, perhaps this was a replay of past events? Past events? Is this... Is this a scene from my former self? But why the endless void of white?

A dream, I conclude that I was most likely dreaming then, with this thought in mind I continue on my journey— But I do not remember Ireland having many snow storms, yes it did occasionally snow but not much fell, so most, if not all of it melted by the next day or even the next few hours.


It felt like I had been here for an eternity, walking endlessly. A few minutes earlier I had summoned some food, even though I wasn't hungry I needed to do something else to pass the time.


?! A sound! I look around me and listen to the noise again.


A beeping noise? But where? After listening intently again, the beeping noise resounded again and I changed directions. The longer I walked in the direction where the noise was coming from the louder and more consistent it got.

It wasn't a constant beeping but... It was regular enough.



I could see something in the distance, I strained my eyes as best as I could to see it, and... It looked like a bed. Why a bed? I increased my speed and soon arrived close to it. The sound was at its loudest now, but I couldn't figure out what was making the beeping noise.

There was only a bed and a beeping noise present; suddenly, a blurry thing appeared -perhaps a body? A small window appeared in front of the shape as it sat on the bed, looking out.


Who is that? Is it me? It's so blurry that I can't tell anything apart from it being vaguely human-shaped...

I reach out to touch the figure in front of me—



Japan, Kuoh

Jin Skyward


I opened my eyes and was brought back to reality What a strange dream... Cúntóir? Anything to say?

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