Volume 4 - Chapter 6 - The Purple Rose, Date, and Rebirth

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Word count: 30k


Mount Olympus


Soon, the long-awaited match between Jin and the heir to the Devil clan Bael, Sairaorg Bael, would begin. Since our alliance with the other factions and pantheons many have been excited to see this.

Jin did not fight during the Tournament of Power. However, his subordinate Lianne Sandlot did. That's why many of the locals are looking forward to it.

"Zeus, Freyja is back..."

"I heard... I wonder what she'll do..."

Freyja, the Goddess of love, beauty, fertility, sex, war, gold and seiðr. A Goddess that was previously part of the Norse Mythology, however, due to... Circumstances she has moved into our realm.

"Are you referring to Jin?"

"Yes. Everyone knows of both his goals, uniting the supernatural and his harem. I wonder what Freyja's thoughts are on that."

Freyja has slept with many beings of this realm and in the Norse realm. She regularly visits the human world and does those activities over there as well. She certainly lives up to her title as the Goddess of Sex.

"Won't she try sleeping with him? Perhaps even try charming Jin?"

I shake my head.

"While our interactions were brief and we only saw Jin a handful of times. I don't think he's the type of person to just sleep around with any women, I believe he has a certain... Standard he sticks to?"

"...Hmmm now that you say it like that..."

It seems like Hera agrees with me. We were about to discuss more when—


The door slammed open and in came in... Hermes.

"Hermes? How may I help you?"

"Yo, Zeus! Did you hear about the news? About Freyja coming back? Well, she's already in the red-light district and getting busy. Haha, she certainly doesn't take any breaks, does she?"

She's already there? She certainly has her priorities straight... Though she's always been like that. This is not the first time that this kind of thing has happened.

"That is not new, Hermes. Did something else happen or is this all you came here for?"

Hermes grins and starts to wave his finger from side to side.

"You don't get it do you, Zeus? Jin said to Hestia, Hephaestus and I that he would come back here in the future since he's not done exploring our realm. Not to mention that we may ask him for something. Freyja will surely get wind of this... Then—"

"Their meeting will be inevitable..."


He certainly seemed excited about that fact.

"Whatever happens to Jin and Freyja is between the two of them is none of our business, unless it somehow involves our entire pantheon then I won't take any action."

"Hmmm~ we'll see in the near future, won't we?

That, we shall, Hermes. But the next biggest thing that's happening is—

"Oh, right I've recently gotten wind of a certain rumor."


"Sir Skyward has gone to the Shinto Gods. We may experience some Japanese culture here sooner or later. We have been getting some through the Youkai but maybe there will be an influx of them when he does get them to join?"

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