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My hand trembles as it reaches for the door knob. This door hasn't been opened once in the month and a half that I have been back from the district 13. Behind this door lies a major part to my entire childhood, and my rock and reason to fight through my hard times. My little duck... Its her room.

All it takes is one shift to the left of the knob for it to unveil all of its contents, yet I can't do it. I've spent most of the recent days trying to gather my thoughts and emotional strength, to a level where I could open the door... But that is still yet to come.

Feeling ultamily defeated I just go back to my room. At least I know how to open that door.

Living Life back in D12, is harder then I expected. My days so far are spent inside my home, or with Gale in the woods... But only every few days. I rarely step outside of the victor's, because when I do I get surrounded in crowds by random people. All thanking me and wanting me to sign things, or giving me things. I can't take all the attention like I used to...

Thoughts about me start to flood in my mind. Who even am I anymore... Katniss Everdeen surely isn't the answer anymore... She left a longtime ago.

The bedroom door creaks open,"Katniss?" When I don't answer, the voice gets closer. Gale. I don't bother to speak though. Not the first time he has come in in complete silence.

"Katniss, We can go to the woods today if you want... I have spare time."

"Spare time." I scoff.


"Is it because your busy still playing the hero? mister I can do anything?" I sneer at him. My sudden aggression towards him honestly is unknown, but I can't stop.

"I never did play the hero role, katniss. I've been busy working in the mines."

"Working? Why are you working?"

"Look katniss, I know that things have been hard on you, but there is no reason to take your anger out on me."

I pause. "I-im sorry."

"You just need some fresh air,catnip." He says. "Here."

Gale hands me my childhood bow and arrow. When we get downstairs, I grab my fathers slightly oversized leather jacket and walk out back to the woods. I haven't been back in in a couple days, but Im glad I'm back, I have been craving the thick crisp sent the tree's give off and the sound of my shoe meeting the cluttered floor. Hunting is so natural to me.

When Gale and I go hunting its just like there old times, before I merely became a pawn trapped in the Capitols' games. We talk about how simple life was back then, but some how Gale ends up changing the subject to a political matter. It annoys me, but whatever can make him happy now a days is fine I guess. He found out that his youngest sister Posy is extremely sick, and with his mother gone, its all up to him. Hunting is his stress reliever.

"There" He lightly whispers,Pointing out to a fat rabbit.

I thin smile comes to my face, I've been itching to get this calming rush through me again. I raise my bow
and slide an arrow into place. Pull the sting back, just in front of my ear. I set aim on the fat animal grazing on a tall patch of grass. I let out a two tone whistle to get its attention, its beady black eyes stare right at me, and that's when the rodient realizes its fate.. But its to late, I have already shot it... Right in its eye. I sprint to it as squeals out in pain, and give the final shot. Its dead.

"Good job catnip." He says.

By the end of our session, I have three animals and a few herbs and roots and berries. Gale had all game, and nothing but game. We waled back to my house and cleaned out the animals.

Everything feels so... Normal with Gale. Like life is almost back to the way they used to be. At the end of everything, when Gale is at the door, he pauses. "Is sometging wrong?" I ask.

"Yeah, I uh... Just... Nothing. Ill see you Tuesday Katniss." And with that he closes the door. And I'm back where I started. Alone.

Okay so for those of you that are getting worried trust me its an everlark story, at this point in time tho, peeta is still not back yet. I'm not to sure how I feel about this chatper please let me know what you think. @truth_odair helped me with this chapter, and gave me advice

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