5. God

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King of my heart // Ned stark // Jorah Mormont is out now!

'Prayer can be so powerful.' Laeha told Joffrey as they left the sept.

'I suppose.' He agreed. So he wasn't one for church, Laeha noted.

"But we all know that King's hold the real power." Laeha said her touch feather light against his arm.  

"Yes.' He agreed enthusiastically. So he liked his ego boosted, put up on a pedestal. She could do that.

'You should be worshipped, hand and foot, you saved the people from the battle of the black water, they should have a statue made of pure gold of you for the people to admire.' Laeha told him and Joffrey smiled at the idea.

"Yes,' he agreed. 'I like that.'

"For you are their true God." Laeha mused.

"Yes.' Joffrey agreed stopping her before she got into her carriage. "You understand me, you get me so well.'

'I had hoped we would get along.' Laeha told him. "It must be hard for a man of your strength and bravery to be satisfied, with the seven kingdoms to rule... it must be hard to find the time for pleasure." She mused as she traced a hand along his jaw.

'Yes... it does seem to be pushed to the side..." Joffrey agreed softly. Laeha made a show of getting closer, her lips brushed against his just barely.

'Your grace?" one of his guards asked as he opened the carriage door. 'we should get going before the hour is late.' Joffrey sighed as Laeha stepped back.

'Plenty of time for... pleasure.' She purred. He swallowed the lump in his throat as he got into his carriage.

Laeha was going to have this 'king' eating out of the palm of her hand in no time. Now all she had to do was convince the rest of westeros that she was the queen to have. The queen they needed. Cersei would be a problem, she knew that for a fact. Olenna as well. But Olenna was an old bat, Laeha could handle her. Cersei would be harder... the people respected the Lannister name, there was power there, she would have to be strategic in getting rid of the rest of them... when the time came.

'Stop here please!' Laeha announced jumping out.

'Why have we stopped?' Joffrey demanded peeking out of the carriage gates, last time they walked back from the sept things ended badly so this time they were protected yet they were stopping in the middle of the streets. Joffrey was king, he shouldn't wait for anyone.

'It's lady Laeha, your Grace.' The knight told him.

'What is she doing who gave her permission?' Joffrey questioned peering out the window. He found someone that understood him and she was going to get her throat slit in the streets of flee bottom.

'My lady we should have guards my lady.' Laeha had been given a handmaiden which Laeha didn't like someone following her around but it was just one more person that would be loyal to her in the end.

'Why?' she asked as they marched through the streets 'Pardon me,' she said sweetly walking around a large man dung was being dropped onto the streets in front of them, dumping their waste, not on them but in the streets, Laeha looked down at the mess in front of her.

'Stop my lady you will ruin your dress!' Her handmaiden said but Laeha marched right through. Mug and shit was the least disgusting she had to march through.

'I have others,' she said her handmaiden hesitantly followed after her

'He was a soldier he went to fight in the wars,' a little boy was telling her she went to an orphanage speaking with the children. Doting on them. 'he was going to Blackwater Bay he never came back,' the little boy told her

False God // Joffrey BaratheonWhere stories live. Discover now