The Bloody Knife

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I hold the knife high above my head and then plunge it deep into her chest. Once. Twice. Three times. Four times. My vision is blurred red, my breath comes out jaggered but slow and my heart races.

I stab her over and over and over again until there is no more breath left in her lungs to scream for help; no more strength left in her body to fight back, and no more life left in her eyes to plead for mercy.

All that is left is a massacred meat suit in a now soggy,crimson,wedding gown and a bloody knife in the hands of her groom. I drop the knife next to the remains of my wife and then stand back to examine my work.

A pool of blood surrounds her body and large splatters decorate the walls. Despite what has just occurred, I feel no remorse. In fact, I feel calm and quite content with my actions. I feel no need to dispose of my butchered bride either, as I will soon be joining her down below. We both know what she die, and we both know she got what she deserved.

I bend down and retrieve my knife, wipe the blade on the cuff of my sleeve, then I watch as it catches the last light of day. I bring it to my wrist, draw in a deep breath, then slide it, lovingly, down my arm; warm, sticky blood spills from my wound into the palm of my hand, I repeat this action until I am lightheaded and have a steady flow of blood, streaming from my wrist to the once white floors.

I lay down beside the woman I once loved, and with my last dying breath, I whisper to her corpse," I will never forgive you! "

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