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I pulled into the garaged and groaned out loudly.

I hate it here.. my own fucking house that i fucking bought and own.. and i fucking hate it here.

I stayed in the car for 30 minutes as i was laughing at the text messages that Kiora was sending me.

God i love that women.

Everything about her had me feening and wanting more and more every time i looked in to her big beautiful brown eyes.

I met Kiora at the gym that i usual go to when i want to get away from.. Sharon..

She was a sight for sore eyes and i just couldn't stop starring at her.

Just gorgeous and adorable as she had that cute focused look on her face as she did some dead lifts.

She sparked something in me.. something that i haven't had in a long time and that's what made me pursue her.

Of course, i know what you guys are thinking..

'Bro you have a whole wife'

Well fuck her.

Sharon could give two fucks about me. All she cares about is her image and my fucking money.

I thought i loved her... i really did.

Til i caught her and her fucking yoga instructor fucking in my damn bed.

And turns out they've been fucking for the past year that we've been married.

So i said fuck that, i moved out of the room we shared and went to the master bed room that i had on the first floor. You might be thinking, 'Ryland leave that hoe' well i wish i fucking could, but the bitch got me drunk one night and had me sign this fucking contract stating that i couldn't divorce her for two years or she would sue and take me to court to take every fucking thing i have. And i'd be damned if i let this gold digging ass bitch take all the shit that i've worked hard for.

So im trying to stick it out til my lawyer can find a loop hole in that bullshit ass contract so i can be free of her gold digging ass.

I groaned once more grabbing my suit case getting out the car as i headed inside the house.

"Where the fuck have you been Ryland" i heard her annoying voice and i groaned loudly in annoyance as i headed to my office. "Don't fucking ignore me, where the fuck have you been Ryland. You fucking come back home days and days later like it's cool and it's not" she screamed walking closely behind me.

"Shut the fuck Sharon, im not in the fucking mood. And me not coming home for days and days is none of your got damn business" i shouted at her and she grew angry.

"None of my business? im your fucking wife Ryland it is every bit of my business" her screechy voice screamed and i rolled my eyes finally making it to my office.

"You're not my fucking wife and my business will never be your business, now fuck off" i slammed the door in her face and locked it sighing in frustration rubbing my temple.

The fucking nerve of that bitch.

I heard her scream at the door.

"Fuck you Ryland this isn't over"

I chuckled knowing that she was right for fucking once.

Why the fuck did i do this fuckery to myself.

I sat at my desk taking out my laptop and got to work. Work was bumming me out and all i could think about was Kiora.. the only person who made me sane and happy by just the thought or sight of her.

Speaking of her i got a text from her saying it was and attachment.

I quickly opened it and groaned out at the sight of her in a black lace bra and thong set.. her body was just a bonus.

Yea im definietly go back over there later on tonight.

See this girl had me coming back for more and more, and i got to see her beautiful amazing self.

She was my happiness, my light in the dark and i wouldn't have it in other way.

She was my happiness, my light in the dark and i wouldn't have it in other way

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Not Sharon thinking she should know about Rylands where about's.. when she was the one cheating!!!!!

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Lol i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for reading and please feel free to comment and vote❤️!!

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