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"You have to go Blake, Ryland will be back any minute" i scoffed out as i gather up his clothes, shoving it into his chest.

"Oh come on baby" he wrapped his arms around me kissing my neck as i smiled at his affection.

"I'm for real Blake! i will see you later on tonight okay?" I pulled out of the trance and kissed his lips.

"Okay i guess.. see ya" he scoffed out.

"Hey i love you" i said and he smiled walking back and pulling me towards him, giving me a deep kiss. "i love you too baby, see you tonight" he gave me one last kiss then left.

I quickly cleaned up the room and then myself making sure i looked my best.

An hour or two later of me just waiting he finally walked in the house.

"Hey babe" i said as Ryland walked into the house.

I could tell something was different about him.

He walked straight passed me and into his room. I silently followed behind him and heard the shower turn on. I quietly opened and closed his room door. i looked on the bed to see his phone was there.

I quickly picked it up and unlocking it, making sure i was quiet.

I went to his messages and seen that one his pinned messages was named 'lil angel'

I tapped on it quickly and scrolled through all of their messages.

he was cheating on me... with a black bitch which i looked way better then her.

Even though i cheated on him and still is cheating on him, he doesn't have the right to do the same thing to me.

I seen all the pics and stuff they had together and also the ones they sent eachother.

I was disgusted.

How could he do this to me, and how could this slut sleep with my husband.

I heard heard the shower cut off and quickly tried to shut his phone off and get out of there but the door opened up right as i was about to leave.

"The fuck are you dong in my room Sharon?" he said standing in his all his glory. Don't get me wrong Ryland was hot, but i just want his money and the fame. But i also don't want another female trying to talk to him.

But i guess Ms. kiora didn't get the message so i guess i have to delay it to her personally.

"Oh nothing i just thought i would wash your clothes from your suit case thats all" i lied on the spot and he laughed.

"Shut the fuck up Sharon you don't do no fucking clothes, hell you don't do shit but fuck on others guys, go out, and spend my fucking money" he said harshly and he wasn't wrong, but a small part of me felt hurt from his words.

I wasn't always like this..

"Oh well i thought i would do something different for a change" i smiled and he laughed again even louder this time as he went into his closet.

"whatever Sharon get the fuck out and stay out" he barked out from his closet and i with that i made my escape.

I quickly went to my room, grabbed my phone and dialed a number.

"Well if it isn't Sharon, what can i do for ya baby?" the person on the other line said.

"I need you to find information on this girl named Kiora" i said biting my lip.

"You know i need a last name too Sharon" he said and i scoofed rolling my eyes, "i can't get that for you so your just going to have to deal with that"

"Well okay, but this comes at high prices baby" he said lowly into the phone, making me reget calling him.

"How much" i asked

"Not how much, more like i get to fuck you and record it" he said and i could tell he was smiling.

"No what the fuck, money or nothing at all" i screeched lowly and he chuckled.

"Look you need me not the other way around" he said and he was right. i couldn't go to anyone else with this, risking people finding out that my husband was cheating on me with a black whore.

"Okay fine. when do you want to do this?" i asked ready to get this conversation over with.

"Make it tomorrow night, and dress sexy" he said and hung up the phone.

I can't believe im doing all of this to find out whose this slut thats been sleeping with my husband.

Good thing i have something for him and her.

Good thing i have something for him and her

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Not Sharon going through his phone...

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