Liar Liar Pants on Fire

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Throughout my whole life I have heard dozens of sayings that people spew out of their mouth like word vomit. Most of the time it's when they don't have any real advice to give or they are at a loss for words. These sayings are like what people keep in their back pocket and pull out at whatever time they feel they apply well. The problem is they are thrown around without any real thought to the implications of them. If a person really thought about the words and how they applied to the particular person they were speaking to, there is a high chance they would choice a different saying. So, here we go. Something to think about the next time someone says them to you, or maybe even something for you to think about before using them.
1. You're so strong. After everything you've been through, you can certainly get through this. I could never survive what you did.

THIS IS ONE OF MY LEAST FAVORITE. Yes, I am aware that I have been through many of life's curveballs, tornadoes, shit storms, tragedy, whatever you want to call them. People don't ever ask the universe to test them in such a way to prove their strength. No one wants to go through hell just to be called strong. We didn't ask to be strong. We were forced to be. And never in a million years would I say that being called "strong" was worth everything I went through. I am strong, not by some magical wand the universe waved at me, but because I HAD TO Be. Life threw me in the pit and I had no choice but to survive. I got dealt a bad hand, fell into a series of unfortunate events, however you wanna say it....I was forced to deal with something and in the end I survived. Did it make me stronger necessarily? I don't think so actually. I think somethings made me weaker, more vulnerable, isolated, fearful, worrisome, anxious. But stronger isn't really I word that comes to mind. I don't know who made this saying up but please make it stop.

2. It could always be worse. Be thankful it wasn't any worse. I had it so much worse than you and blah blah blah.

Yes I am very aware it could have been worse, it could always be worse in any situation, HOWEVER that doesn't make my experience any less traumatic or painful or real. Your downplaying and minimizing my journey and I don't appreciate that. I have the right to express myself and the level of anything I feel should not be comparable to someone else's experience.

3. You are so lucky for the life you have. You are so blessed.

This one makes my whole body burn with hives. THIS IS NOT LUCK. This life I created didn't happen by some divine intervention. I worked for this shit. I worked hard. I made this life what it is. I started from beneath rock bottom and climbed my way up. I fell quite a few times and started over. I calculated my life after my mistakes and all the bad hands I was dealt. I figured out how I was going to live the life I wanted and I was determined to get there. No one BLESSED me with this. It wasn't LUCK. Y'all need to stop with that nonsense like the universe will just hand you a silver platter of a perfect life without an ounce of effort. Not blessed. Not lucky. Determined. Driven. Focused. Accountable. Perceptive. Patient. Understanding. Empathetic. Smart.

4. Life is just too short to hold a grudge, especially with family.
Ok yes, sometimes life is too short for the nonsense. Life is too short to waste my time on things that don't better me or make me a better person. HOWEVER, if I mention I'm not speaking to a certain family member or old friend, please don't tell me life is too short to stay mad. No, you got it all wrong. Life IS too short to allow myself to be present in situations where I'm uncomfortable or where I'm becoming the victim of narcissistic abuse, or any other kind of mental abuse. Life is too short to spend time with anyone who doesn't appreciate me in all rawness, all my flaws, all my cracks. Life is too short to be around people who make me feel less.

You let yourself go
It will all work out
What doesn't kill your makes you stronger
Everything happens for a reason
If you don't have anything nice to say, don't say anything at all
You are so blessed
Talk about Toxic positivity

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