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Felix was pacing his warehouse whilst his members set up for a quick stock exchange. His footsteps echoed around the large open space, dust clouding at his feet. The building was old and rickety, creaking like some sort of haunted house at every gust of wind. To a stranger's ears, it would've made their skin crawl, but to Felix, it was his life support. This warehouse held the key to his wealth and prosperity. Well, actually, it was the drugs and weaponry that were worth money, but his team relied on the structure to keep it safe. 

"Hyunjin, Seungmin, Jisung—you're in the van. The rest of you are with me. Jeongin, bring the testing kit."

He shot off instructions, the usual dance of butterflies doing their job in his stomach. A simple exchange. Under the blanket of darkness. And with trusted dealers. There is nothing to worry about. Jeongin started clearing away boxes as Changbin brought in their supply of arsenal available for purchase.

"Woah! It still works," the youngest exclaimed, his voice dancing from wall to wall. 

Jeongin was fiddling with an old phone he'd found at the bottom of an old box. He powered it on, a surge of messages popping up. He tapped on the most recent one, only for another to show up.

Lix, can we meet up? Please, I miss you.

"Shit," the boy mumbled, seeing the sent icon change to seen. 

A ginger-haired male walked up behind and growled in a deep voice. "Jeongin, what'd you stop for?"

He snatched the phone away and glanced at the screen. Jeongin stood awkwardly beside his superior as he stared at the screen—his emotions unreadable.

"I'll get back to work, sorry, hyung-nim."

With that, Jeongin backed away.

Felix stood idle in the middle of the iron building in a daze. He stared as more messages were sent.


With a scowl, he shut the phone down and shoved it in the pocket of his black suit jacket. I left five years ago, but he doesn't care, so I shouldn't either.

Felix rested his folded arms on the table as he waited for the dealers to arrive. A voice spoke through his earpiece, "MX are in the area, boss. We're granting access now."

Felix straightened his posture with a small sigh, preparing himself for the meeting. His deep voice spoke through the earpiece, "Alright, everyone, MX are here. To fulfill their requests, communications will be severed. Only tap in if there is an emergency. Copy that?"

Responses came almost simultaneously.

"Copy that, Van out."

Those in the building with Felix all gave an obedient nod. All heads turned as four suited men entered the premises, MX. Minho stood and offered a bow, then directed the dealers to their seats. 

"It's a pleasure to see you again, Yongbok." MX's leader shook hands with Felix across the table. "Good to see you again too, Hyungwon."

The other men greeted each other with brief smiles, and the transaction began.

Changbin, the man in charge of arsenal, laid what was on offer atop the table. "This is the latest sniper in," he said, placing the weapon in front of Hyungwon. "Perfect for assassinations."

Hyungwon picked it up and looked at it from various angles before handing it to his weaponry expert, "Take a look, I.M." The black-haired fellow took it with careful hands, his eyes twinkling as he inspected the intriguing weapon. "Where did you score this beauty?" he asked, looking up at Changbin.

"Some of our boys out in Spain came across a shipment." Changbin took the sniper from I.M and placed it back in its case. Hyungwon turned to his men, head down, and in hushed voices, they came to a conclusion. 

"I'll take it, what do you want for it?"

A smile appeared on Felix's face. "What's in your stock at the moment?"

Another man towards the end of the table raised his voice. He spoke bluntly with a raised eyebrow, "The usual."

"Well then," Felix looked at Jeongin, "we'll take our usual but double."

As soon as the words rolled off his boss' tongue, Jeongin retrieved the briefcase that had been resting at his feet under the table. He opened it, revealing a series of needles and testing equipment. One of Hyungwon's men appeared in the warehouse, pushing a sack barrow stacked high with boxes of whatever Felix had wanted. The man placed a box in front of Jeongin. Jeongin removed the white packets from the box and began his testing regime.

After a few minutes of tense silence, Jeongin nodded. Felix smiled. "Thank you, pleasure doing business with you."

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