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Chan sat in his seat, staring out the small window. A view of the majestic blue sea below filled his vision.

He leaned back in his chair, a tired sigh escaping his lips. His eyes fluttered closed as he rested his body in hopes of gaining some shut-eye. Chan had spent the night before struggling to find available tickets whilst frantically packing a suitcase. 

Whatever life savings he had were gone now. 

And a horrible guilt had settled in his stomach. 

Chan and Felix had suffered blow after blow during their friendship.

Mid-highschool, Felix's mother committed suicide. Just like that, she was gone. No note, no nothing. Felix was heartbroken, and the depression returned, much worse than before. Felix nor Chan could fathom why she had done such a thing. Felix harbored resentment towards everyone, however mostly towards himself. He blamed himself for what happened. If only he had been a better son, if only he loved his mum more.

Chan didn't know what to do. Felix had no family left, and he was teetering on the edge. If Chan didn't do something, then Felix was going to drown in his despair and never come back up for air.

So Chan did something. He moved Felix into his apartment, as simple as it sounded, it helped incredibly. Chan made sure Felix had no time to be sad, he kept him busy. Working, studying and spending time together. The mounds of time they spent together made Chan realize something. The more he had to do with Felix, the more his feelings changed. So he confessed and they dated.

Things finally seemed to have gotten better, they were finally happy. After all those years of fighting for the motivation to get up and face another day-to keep living-everything had worked out.



That leads us to where we are right now. Felix had left, and Chan was determined now more than ever to find his best friend,

his lover.

A few hours passed till Chan was awoken by the sound of a voice over the plane's intercom.

"Attention passengers, this is your captain speaking. We'll be touching down in Seoul in approximately seven minutes. The seatbelt sign is now on, and any loose luggage must be stored safely. The current temperature is minus three degrees with windy and rainy conditions. So expect minor turbulence."

The speaker beeped out. The flight attendants started making rounds, checking on passengers and whatnot. Chan smiled a small smile as one of them walked past. In a matter of minutes, the descent had begun, and Chan squeezed his eyes shut.

Chan stood under a shelter as it poured buckets outside. His phone vibrated in his pocket.

Yeji is calling...

"Hey Yeji, what's up?" Chan answered.

"Did you get there safely?" she asked.

"Yep, just figuring out my next movements now."

"Well, stay safe. After finally taking your holiday leave, make sure not to get hurt or lost, kapeesh?"

Chan rolled his eyes with a grin, "Yes, Yeji. I have to go now, bye-bye."

He hung up and shoved the phone into his jacket pocket, braving the rain. He stepped out of the shelter. He hailed a taxi, one pulling up, he hopped in and told the driver his destination. Seoul Airport Hostel—the only place he could afford to stay at briefly.

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