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The next day when Renjun wakes up from his deep slumber, the younger is already gone from the room. He must have already gone to work, the black haired thinks.

Renjun gets off his bed and heads out of the bedroom straight to the kitchen. While opening the fridge to find himself water, Renjun catches a glance of a plate on the table covering another one with a note besides it. He takes the bottle of water out from the fridge then walks to the dinning table and sits down.

"don't go to work today" is what written on the stick note.

Renjun take the plate off and sees the breakfast that the younger has cooked for him. A little smile escapes his lips as he starts eating.

The days goes by very quickly for Renjun since he got to rest for a whole 24 hours without work. Meanwhile, Jaemin slowly returns to the apartment with a very tired face unlike usual.

The older turns his face to the door as soon as he hears the sound of the door unlocked and someone entering. He immediately gets up and looks at the younger without saying anything.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Jaemin questions.

Renjun parts his lips and walks closer to the brown haired. "Have you eaten?"

The younger nods. "I had dinner with Mark about an hour ago."

"With Mark? Out of a sudden?"

"I accidentally bumped into him at a pharmacy, so he invited me."

Renjun's face suddenly changes. "What are you doing at a pharmacy? Are you okay?"

"It's nothing. Just a little headache." He replies and walks towards the older, plopping his face into the crook of Renjun's neck and closes his eyes.


"Just for a minute. I needed this." He mumbles, holding the older's wrist to prevent the older from pushing him away.

After what it seems like forever, Renjun speaks up. "Were there a lot of work at the company today?"

Jaemin hums as a response.

"Sorry I wasn't there to help."

The younger suddenly pulls back, locking his eyes with Renjun's. He stares into the older's eyes without being aware of it. "Good night." He simply lets out and lets go of the older's hands then casually walks straight into his room.

Renjun could do nothing but to watch until Jaemin disappears from his sight. He lets out a small sigh, feeling confused but does not have the urge to ask, then he also returns back to his own room.





it's weird

context please?


okay never mind
i'm muting you

The morning has come and the black haired is now sitting in the living room waiting for Jaemin to finish getting ready so they can go to work together. He keeps looking at his watch after each minute has passed because strangely, the younger is taking a forever to finish. After another ten minutes, he starts to get impatient, or more like worried. He gets up from the couch and rushes to Jaemin's room, knocking on the door.

"Jaemin! Jaemin!!!" He calls out loudly but there is no response, so he decides to open the door and gets inside by himself.

When he gets in, he sees no one in his sight, but not even a ten seconds after, the bathroom door is opened and Jaemin walks out of it with water dripping down his naked body. Renjun's brain froze, as well as his figure. He stand there looking— no staring at the younger for a hot thirty seconds before turning around with his back facing Jaemin.

"What are you doing? Put on some clothes." He says, voice shaking like he is so close to crying.

"I forgot to take my towel into the shower with me, so I came to get it... and may I remind you that you were the one who break into my room in the first place?" He says while simply taking the towel that was hanging on a chair and use it to wipe his body in a normal speed like he is the only one in the room.

"You were taking so long to get ready, so I came to check on you— and can you please hurry up?" The black haired complains.

Jaemin wraps the towel around his waist to cover the bottom part of his body and walks closer to the older. He bends down a bit until his face is close to the older's right ear and speaks in a low tone. "If you're still here, you might as well turn around and watch me get dressed because you seemed to enjoy the view so much a minute ago. You can even choose the outfit for me."

Renjun's cheeks and ears are now burning insanely.

"Oh look, pink ears and pink cheeks. You're definitely in love with me." He whispers and the older immediately covers his ears and runs outside the room.

As soon as he gets outside, he sprints to his room and rushes towards the mirror. He starts scanning his own face and realizes how obvious he is with the flushed cheeks and all. He covers his face and whines. "Oh fuck me. This is really getting out of hand."

Renjun has been a very talented person and he is good at everything he does, but if there is one he cannot do, it is that he is not able to hide his flustered face for dear life.

A whole day went by and all the two did was working and working nonstop. Now Renjun gets why Jaemin came back home looking extra tired yesterday. He turns to the younger's seat and sees that the younger has his back lying on the chair support with his eyes closed.

Renjun gets up from his seat and walks toward the younger slowly. He stops when he is close to the chair and stares at Jaemin's face for a whole minute until he gets dragged by the wrist down onto the sleeping guy's laps. He looks at Jaemin's sleeping face in shock and Jaemin's eyes instantly open, looking at the him with a grin.

"Do you need something?" The brown haired asks while rubbing his thumb on Renjun's back where he's holding him. 

Renjun ignores the younger's words completely. Not that he chose to do that, he is just lost is Jaemin's eyes at the moment to even hear what he asked.

Jaemin does not move his eyes away from the older either, which is the reason why Renjun is lost lost.

Suddenly, Jaemin begins to break the eye contact between them and slowly looks down at Renjun's lips. He then looks back up and a smirk crawls up to his face. He leans closer to the older's face bit by bit until there is no space left in the middle. He suddenly stops and gives Renjun a smile as he notices the pink cheeks of Renjun, as usual.

With the sight of that flushed face of the older, Jaemin nods as he confirms something in his head then closes the gap between both of their lips and starts kissing him slowly.

Renjun holds his own fists and tightens them every time he feels Jaemin pushing his lips onto his more to deepen the kiss. It is good, too good that both of them get swept away by it and forget where they are right now.

It still goes on like that for another whole minute until they hear knocks on the door. Renjun immediately opens his eyes and pushes Jaemin away, breaking the kiss. He covers his lips and rushes back to his seat, pretending like nothing has happened while Jaemin's eyes follow him in adoration.

"Come in." The younger speaks, eye still on the older until the visitor arrives at his desk.


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