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When he picked some vegetables, Yu Yaoyao didn’t stop him. On the contrary, their son ran towards him.

“Dad, this ingredient is more expensive than others, look, there are cheaper veggies in that section!”

After getting off the shopping cart, the little bun wouldn’t stop frantically running back and forth all across the store. Having compared the prices of several rows of vegetables, a sense of accomplishment was written on his little face, clear as day.

The little bun confidently picked up a handful of green shallots to declare: “These are the cheapest.”

Shen Yichong glanced at his son and silently patted the little guy’s head, without a word.

“The money given by the program runners is enough to cover the bill. You can buy lots of meat and vegetables without the fear of overspending.”

Shen Yichong continued to place the vegetables of his choice in the cart. However, while he wasn’t paying attention, the things he chose were sneakily placed back by Yu Yaoyao and their little bun.

Shen Yichong: “……”

When they arrived at the fruits section again, Yu Yaoyao directly went to hug a bunch of apples and bananas.

These are the cheapest! She covered her eyes and refused to peek at her favorite strawberries as she resolutely walked away.

Shen Yichong frowned and stopped in his tracks. “You continue shopping. I have a bit of work, I’ll see you two later at the billing counter.”

Even as he spoke, he didn’t miss the instant relief spreading across the mother-son duo. He narrowed his eyes further in suspicion, his frown deepened.

Thirty minutes later, Yu Yaoyao bravely took her son to push the cart to the checkout area, resembling a warrior walking towards the frontline that would preside over his life or death. There was fish, meat, vegetables, and fruits. Yu Yaoyao and little bun’s small faces scrunched up as they sized up the billing staff as though they were facing off the enemy troops.

“Hello, the bill has totaled to 282 yuan,” said the person from over the counter.

Their eyes immediately lit up, and they started cheering!

Yu Yaoyao wouldn’t stop grinning. “Oh, yeah! There’s still 600 yuan left!!”

Hehe, had Shen Yichong not bought such an expensive steak, the bill would’ve rounded off at 100 yuan! I’m a savings genius!

“Mommy, we did great!!” Little Bun did a thumbs up and even poked her belly solemnly.

“From now on, I’ll also make sure to eat more at Kindergarten so I can eat less meat in the evening!”

Yu Yaoyao immediately teared up and pinched his pink cheeks in happiness. “My son is so smart!” You definitely take after mommy in this aspect!!

Director Zhao, the camera crew, and a group of old people nearby were all very moved when they witnessed this heart-rending scene.

The dog blood scene was way too hilarious, but why did they all feel like wiping their tears?! Aiyo!

Though Shen Yichong was bankrupt, he had such a virtuous, flower-fairy wife who was caring and willing to endure hardship and such an intelligent, sensible son who had propriety way beyond his years. Leaving business aside, Shen Yichong surely hit the jackpot in private life!

Envious! So envious!!! Director Zhao Yu wanted to chew on his handkerchief to express his swirling, bitter-sweet emotions.

When Yu Yaoyao finished billing and happily led the little bun to find her husband, cheerfully stowing away the remaining spare change, her hands full of groceries, she found him standing at the mall entrance, waiting for them.

[2] Transmigration: Raising the Child of the Male Lead BossWhere stories live. Discover now