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" 𝐄𝐝𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐠 "

Fitted a bit tightly over his crotch, Tsukishima’s shorts restrained his growing length. He felt frustrated as he hovered over you, attacking your lips with his.

“You were such a little brat today,” Tsukki grumbled, he swiftly sat up and tugged his shirt off. You followed along, goosebumps rising along your skin once the cold air breezed over you.

His eyes lowered and a hint of desire flamed in his eyes, raking over your bare chest, the shape of your body and how your nipples had instantly hardened.

One of his hands reached out and grazed your hardened nipple, caressing your soft skin. Tsukki pushed you back down and scooted down the bed a bit, roughly yanking off your pants.

“I wanna see my brats body.” He licked his lips, admiring the sweet sight of your slick pussy. “Look at you, already so wet yet I’ve barely even touched you.”

You looked down at him, glancing at the tent in his shorts. Your core warmed up and this sense of arousal had clearly erupted in you, Tsukki could tell you were looking at his arousal. He could see how desperate you look, how you gulped as he crawled back up, his face merely inches away from you.

Tsukishima gripped your jaw with his hand and brought your flushed face up, his gaze lingering on your pouty lips.

“You know what I do to filthy little brats? Hm?”

You shook your head gently, wincing as he tightened his grip on your jaw and forced you to stay still, the look in his eyes making you clench your thighs together.

“I give them a punishment,” he then took his free hand and tugged his shorts down, letting his erection free. You urged to look down, see what you did to him, but his hand was still forcefully holding your face. “So that’s what gonna happen to you. Punishment time,” Tsukki grinned.

You were unsure of what exactly his punishment would be, but nonetheless you were so very excited.

Tsukki palmed his cock with his hand, letting go of your face, he shuffled a bit and lined up his dick with your entrance.

“Do you want it?” He asked you, smirking as he saw you nod urgently.

He pressed the tip against your hole, seeing you tense up almost immediately. Tsukki rubbed the end of his cock along your wet cunt before sinking himself into you.

You moaned as he sank his cock deeper inside you, “Oh you feel so tight…” he huffed.

Tsukki bucked his hips, pulling his cock out until it was just the tip inside you and then pushing himself back in. He moved faster, wrapping a hand around your throat and pressing the back of your head into the bed.

He used his free hand to please your clit, giving it the friction it needed to make you moan louder.

“Yes, fuck Tsukki…” you whined while he played your clit, all while fucking you and keeping a firm grip on your throat,

The center of your chest knotted up, making your breath all shaky and tremble. Tsukki cursed under his breath when he felt his cock twitch inside you, he was inching near his orgasm.

So were you.

Tsukishima released your throat from his grasp and used that hand to grip under your thighs, lifting your legs up and letting it be easier for him to fuck you harder. He let out a heavy sigh as he filled your insides with cum, groaning as he pulled out.

His fingers were still moving on your clit, he wanted to see you shift and squirm all over the bed while he pleased you.

You were confused as to why you were so close to your orgasm already, but maybe it was because you were so horny earlier. And you knew angering Tsukki would result in some fire sex.

He knew that too, but he felt a bit annoying today and didn’t want to give you exactly what you wanted.

You cursed out his name as you felt your stomach cave in, just about ready to release, your toes curled and your legs stiffened.

“Tsukki I’m gon-”

You gasped when suddenly the pleasure on your crotch had stopped, no friction whatsoever. You picked your head up and gazed down as Tsukishima. A sly grin plastered on his face as he dropped his hand away from your cunt.

“Wh-what are you doing?” Another knot had tied itself inside you, a tangled string of the pleasure that had built up in your chest.

“Brats don’t get to cum.”

Your lip trembled as Tsukki’s hands gripped your ankles and he pulled your body down the bed, instructing you to get on the floor and stay on your knees.

“Close your eyes,” he demanded. You obeyed and shut your eyelids, you heard him walk around the room, open a drawer and then close it back up before he went back to you. Anticipation wavered through you, the silence and Tsukki’s presence in front of you caused you to gulp.

Then, the sound of something vibrating filled the room. Tsukishima kneeled down and pried your bent legs open, he placed the vibrator right under your aching pussy.

He stood back up, placing a hand on your shoulder and pushing you down onto the vibrator, your mouth fell open as the little toy made contact with your swollen clit.

You fisted your hands, keeping your eyes shut, Tsukki lifted your face and told you to open your eyes.

When you did, you were met with his cock. His length pointing right at your open, gasping mouth.

“I’m gonna fuck that filty mouth of yours.” He guided his cock towards your mouth, pushing the tip past your lips and letting out a pleased sigh once he pushed the rest of his dick in your mouth. “Fuck,” he hissed, tangling his fingers in your hair and fisting your head.

You moaned with his cock in your mouth, evoking a choked moan from him. The vibrator attacked your cunt, building more pleasure in that knot in your chest.

Tsukki fucked your mouth slowly, twitching as his sensitive cock pumped in and out of your warm mouth. He threw his head back and moaned.

The vibrator was doing it’s magic beneath you, making you whine and swallow down your moans. Your eyes shut when you felt that familiar feeling arise in your body. Waves of tension shot through your bent legs, you whimpered as Tsukki shoved his cock further down your mouth.

“Oh, is the little brat about to come?”

You wanted to nod, but you couldn’t. So you responded with another choked out moan.

Tsukki pulled his cock out, pumped it a few times with his hand and came all over your breast. Then he bent over and widened your legs, smirking at the sight of your cunt on the vibrator, glistening with your wetness.

He chuckled, waiting for the sign that you were on the edge. Waiting for you to tilt your head back and press your hands on the floor.

You cursed harshly, piercing your bottom lip with your teeth.

Tsukki grabbed the vibrator and pulled it away, holding it in his hand.

“No, wait Tsukki please.” You begged, looking up at him with desperate eyes and a pout.

“You wanna come?”

“Yes, yes, please I want to.” Your fingernails dug into the palm of your hand, frustration from the denied orgasm made your chest hurt.

He turned off the vibrator, “You do it.” His eyes flicked down to your clenched hands, and you got what he meant.

Instantly, your right hand swung down your crotch and your fingers worked harshly at your cunt. Flicking and swirling your clit, getting your closer and closer until you were back on edge. Your toes curled, your head fell back as your mouth popped open and you let out a line of strangled moans.

Your orgasm felt so powerful, and it felt longer. You were shaking and your skin was glistening with sweat. The bliss and pleasure that had caught in your chest had finally released, and it felt so good.

Tsukki hummed pleased, watching you make a mess and cum all over the floor.

HaikyuSmuttSeries: Tsukishima KeiWhere stories live. Discover now