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(Tsukishima ft. You)

You couldn’t understand how Tsukishima could sit and study for hours on end, how did he not get bored or feel burnt out from the constant work?
It really made no sense, at least not to you. It almost seemed like he went on airplane mode, he just kept going and going and didn’t even think to give himself a break.
Of course he took breaks to eat or go to the bathroom, but none of the breaks consisted of giving you any sort of attention. You get that it’s his last year of college and he would be graduating very soon but damn, it would be nice to get some attention from your boyfriend.
“Tsukishima?” You asked, rolling onto your side while laying in bed to look at him. He let out a soft hum, letting you know he was listening.
“How about you take a break?”
“I just did take a break” he practically mumbled.
“Take another” You were sure that he was going to ignore you again and he did, letting out a small grunt as his way of saying no. Tsukishima wasn’t very talkative in general, usually only when he had to have a conversation or he was making some snarky comment at someone, but when he was studying, you could barely get a whole sentence out of him.
“Come on Kei, you’ve been studying literally all day, we have yet to spend actual time with each other. I can’t sit here for another hour without any sort of attention” You really wanted to push this one on him, yeah his finals were soon but that didn’t mean he couldn’t at least give you a hug. He let out a sigh and just rolled his eyes, he clearly didn’t want to give attention whatsoever, too focused on the task he had at hand.
“Tsukki? Please” you said in the most babyish voice you could possibly make, puffing out your bottom lip and giving puppy eyes “Acting like a child won’t get you anywhere y/n”
“It was worth a try I guess” You weren’t wrong, sometimes the baby voice did work on him, but often times it didn’t. He once again, ignored you, continuing to write down whatever the hell he was working on. You let out a dramatic groan and pulled yourself off the bed and tried climbing into the boys lap. “What the hell are you doing?” He huffed as you straddled his lap, hugging him.
“I’m getting my attention” And that you were, you were done putting up this silly fight for the second week in a row, the only time you guys spent together was when you were sleeping, which didn’t even count in your eyes.
“Whatever, just stay still” Kei mumbled. And there you were, you got the one order you were planning on not obeying, just so you could get something out of this man. The plan was simple, all you had go to was slightly grind your hips on his and maybe that would get you a chance of getting laid finally.
You bit your bottom lip and contemplated if it even was a good idea, it could go two ways, you get laid, or he gets angry and throws you off him and goes back to studying.
There‘s no problem in taking a risk once in a while, so why not go for it. You shoved your face into the crook of Tsukki’s neck and barely moved your hips back and forth on his.
“Y/n, I told you to stay still, did I not?” He muttered as he continued writing. You let out a small hum in hopes to show him you had no intention of doing so. You continued to move your hips, grinding them a bit faster and harder against his crotch than before. You could feel your wetness starting to pool in your panties as you tried to guide your clit to a more prominent part of his dick.
“Y/n, I’m not kidding” You heard him tell you. Yet again, there was no intention of stopping, especially when he wasn’t physically stopping you either.
You knew he was truly enjoying this as much as you were, you felt how his cock grew harder and harder, giving you a better surface to grind yourself onto. You let out a soft moan into Tsukki’s neck and your clit became more sensitive in your arousal.
“Please Tsukishima, just this once” you groaned as you felt him place his hands on your hips, somewhat moving them along himself. “Y/n, you know I asked you not to move, what makes you think you can just ignore me like that?”
“Kei, you’ve been ignoring me for almost a whole month, I’ve gotten nothing from you” you moaned as your hips slightly bucked. Kei sighed and picked you up, laying you down on the bed.
“I understand that y/n, but this is just one thing, one fucking thing and you can’t even listen” you knew whatever he was going to do to you would be brutal, it usually was, but you were 100% ready for it this time. You did bring this upon yourself so why back down now? You were about to get the one thing you’ve been wanted for weeks now, and that would be your boyfriends attention.
He roughly held your face in one hand as he looked you dead in the eyes, watching the lust you were full of. He could practically see the anticipation and arousal wash over you, waiting for him to do something.
“You really think you’re cute huh?” He started “Climbing in my lap and teasing me, just for the sake of yourself? You think it’s that easy? You think you can get what you want just like that? Try again slut” he pulled you off the bed and onto the floor, watching you look up at him from your knees.
“Now I want you to suck me off, okay? Your gonna suck me off and I’ll shoot my cum straight down your stupid fucking throat and maybe you’ll learn your goddamn lesson, got that?” You could practically cream yourself as you listened to his harsh words slap you in the face.
You nodded your head quickly as you rushed to pull off his pants, fingers frantically trying to undo the belt he wore. Once his pants were down to his ankles, he stepped out of them and your wrapped your fingers around the waistband of his underwear, slowly pulling them down as his cock sprang out from them. Tsukishima’s dick was impressive, it was longer than you could imagine and he had the most prominent veins on it too.
“Well don’t just look at it” he teased. You licked your lips and glanced up at him, his face seemed like it was just as full of lust as yours was. He was just waiting for that first lick to get him going.
Looking back down at his cock, you spent no time to wrap your hands around it, slowly bringing your mouth to the soft tip. Your pressed a small kiss on it and then gave it a lick, you heard a breathy groan from Tsukishima as you formed a ball of spit on his dick, using it is get his dick wet. Your put the tip in your mouth and slowly guided your head downwards, pulling it back up to the tip after. “Princess, come on now, no games” Tsukishima ordered.
You pulled your head off and displayed a small grin on your lips, teasing him to the best of your ability. You wanted to be punished, because then he would give you his absolute all, which was exactly what you wanted from him. “Y/n, you’re not gonna make me do this myself are you?” Of course you were.
Kei sighed and he ordered you to open your mouth and stick your tongue out, allowing him to hit his dick on your tongue before shoving it down your throat repeatedly. You closed your lips around his dick as your tried not to choke on him, his hand shoving your head up and down him using the makeshift ponytail he made with your hair.
Not only was he forcing you on his cock, but he was thrusting into your mouth as well, making the sensation even more dramatic. As much as he loved the feeling, he was trying to cum as quickly as he could so he could shove his cock in your pussy.
You felt as the tip of his dick rammed the back of your throat, it was so powerful and consistent that you didn’t even feel like you needed to choke or gag, your whole throat was practically numb from the abuse it was getting.
“Fuck baby, just like that, almost done” he assured “You have no fucking idea how good your mouth feels around my cock” Even though Tsukishima was a big degrader, he always tied in praise, letting you know that even though you were his slut, your mindset was one of the most important things. He wanted you to know that he did actually love you, and that he wasn’t intentionally making it seem like he was just using you for pleasure.
“There we go baby, just a few more” He moaned as he gave a few more thrusts before his cum shot down your throat. As he pulled you off his cock he used his thumbs to wipe the tears that had accumulated under your eyes, setting you on the bed afterwards.
Just by your body language, he could tell he needed to be a bit more gentle with you now. He didn’t always fuck your throat like that, but when he did, you became shy and felt much smaller compared to him, considering he just completely overpowered you, it would only make sense.
He set you back further on the bed so you could lay your head on the pillows. He tugged off his shirt leaving him completely exposed and he went to kiss your neck while guiding his hand under your shirt. The kisses were wet and a few of them would definitely leave marks for you to have to cover up the next day.
You softly moaned as his continued to kiss you while his hand left your shirt and went into your pants, rubbing your clit from over your panties. “I can fell how wet you are baby” he muttered “did you rubbing your pussy on me do that? Or was it when my cum shot down your pretty fucking throat?”
His hand slipped out from your pants and he pulled you to sit upwards, “let’s take these off, okay?” He pulled your shirt off from over your head, unclasped your bra to toss it onto the floor, and then slipped your tiny shorts and panties that showed way to much of your ass off.
You leaned back and he lowered his head to your waist, pressing small kisses on your thighs. You could feel your clit pulsing, waiting to be touched next. “Please” you moaned as your head leaned back, anticipating what he would do.
“Please what baby girl?” He teased “You weren’t this shy earlier, what happened y/n? Hmm?” There be went again, torturing you with his stupid fucking ability to make you melt for him. “You know I won’t know what you want unless you tell me right? Here I thought you wanted attention and now that I’m giving it to you, you won’t even speak to me”
“I just- I need you to touch me, please I’ll let you fuck me however you want after, I just need something” you whined. You heard him chuckle as he placed a kiss on your clit, now you were getting what you wanted. The kisses eventually turned into licks and sucks, satisfying your clit every way it could be. Your moans grew louder as he slowly slipped a finger into your pussy, giving you more and more pleasure.
“Oh- holy fuck Kei” You moaned, shoving a hands onto his head as you lightly pulled his hair. Tsukishima clearly got off on your pleasure because right when you did that, he pushed in a second finger, curling them inside you to hit your g-spot perfectly. Tsukki could feel your clit twitch on his tongue while it pressed on you, making his ego boost a little.
The room was full of the sounds of your moans and the squelching sounds Tsukki made with his hand in your pussy, creating the most perfect pornographic sounds anyone could hear. “FUCK- Kei I’m so fucking close I’m so fucking close” you moaned as you felt an insane amount of pressure build up inside of you. You could feel as every knot inside you grew and grew, leading you closer to your orgasm. “Come on baby, cum on my fucking fingers” Kei muttered from your pussy. His fingers thrusted in and out of you even faster, still curling them inside of you.
You felt as the knots in your stomach began to unwind as your orgasm washed over you. The most satisfying and loud moans left your mouth left you as Tsukishima finished sucking on your clit to get the rest of your orgasm out of you. Your breaths became heavy as you tried to calm yourself down, Tsukki giving you small kisses to help.
“Mm, how was that baby?” He asked you with the most smartass grin on his face, knowing sure as hell it was good. “Shush” you chuckled with a long exhale after the remark.
“You still want me to fuck you however I want?” He asked you, rubbing your belly. You gave him a nod and he quickly flipped you over onto your stomach, lifting your hips into the air. He spit on your cunt and teased is cock at your hole, “Please Tsukki” you whined again.
All he did was chuckle at you and then slip his dick inside you, giving a few small pumps inside you while your pussy got used to the feeling of him being there. He began to ram his dick in and out of you at a quick pace you haven’t felt in a while. The aggressiveness was such a foreign feeling to you that you didn't even register what he was doing, you were just trying to keep out of any dizzy trance you might fall into.
"Your cunt is sucking me in so good baby, you and your greedy fucking pussy" he hissed. Tsukishima was very good at mastering things, there really wasn't much that he was bad at, and that includes fucking the shit out of you.
You felt your cunt involuntarily clench around Kei's dick, keeping you from making any sort of mess around him. As much as you wanted to cum, you knew that when you did, he would, and then things would be over, because of course he would go back to doing his school work.
"h-holy s-shit Kei" your verbal moans began to stutter as you tried to hold yourself together, this wasn't something you were trying to end anytime quickly. No one was in a rush, so why make things go quicker, "S-slow down Tsukki, please"
Tsukkis greedy laughs filled your ears as his grip on your hips tightened. "Why so princess?" he knew why, he knew you wanted this to last longer just so you could get the attention you've been craving. "I can't cum, not yet" you whined.
"aww baby, you don't want this to end?" Kei chuckled "can't get enough huh?" His words were only bringing you closer so your orgasm, it was like everything he said had the ability to make you cum on its own. "can't" you huffed again.
Tsukki grabbed you by the hair, pulling you onto your knees while he continued to fuck you from behind. "poor kitten, you really must not want me to stop huh?" he teased. "well, I suggest that you do because I'm pretty close to filling your little fucking pussy with my cum and when I do, I think it would be best if I just went back to studying right away. So if you don't cum right now, you might miss your chance"
"Tsukki, I'm serious I want more, please!" you were gonna fight for this one, you wanted to cum of course, but you didn't want things to be over for you guys already. "So close honey, cum with me on three okay?" Of course this would happen, Tsukki was just being mean on purpose now.
"1,,,,,2,,,,3" He finished inside you while letting go of your hair, making you fall back down into the position you were in prior too. You squeezed your pussy as tight as you could, not allowing yourself to cum already. "Y/n, didn't you listen to what I said? Now it seems like you wont be cumming tonight"
You eyes started to get watery as you turned onto your back, watching Kei get up and grab his clothes from the floor. "w-wait, I thought you were kidding?!" You scrambled over to him trying to stop him from putting his clothes back on. "Baby, you know that's not my type of humor" He grinned. This wasn't fair, there's no actual way he would just leave you like this, "You did this to yourself y/n, I gave you every chance did I not?"

You nodded, sitting back into the bed, maybe if you played your own game again, he would fall back into your trap. "I'm sorry Kei, I just really missed being able to touch you all the time, y' know?" You somewhat bullshitted "It's just that you're always so busy now and you never have time for me anymore, I was just trying to take advantage of the time we had together"
Tsukishima sighed, doing his best not to fall for your little tactics of acting all cute towards him. "You're a real pain in my ass y/n, let's make a deal alright?" you nodded your head eagerly, wanting to know what he was going to do for you. "If you can make yourself cum, right here, in front of me, then I'll let you fuck my thigh and cock warm me all you want this next week"
And that's exactly what happened, you gave him the show he asked from you and throughout the next week until he had to take finals, you were allowed to get off on his thigh and sit on his cock whenever you wanted, often times -- in your favor -- it lead to something the both of you could enjoy a bit more.

HaikyuSmuttSeries: Tsukishima KeiWhere stories live. Discover now