One Night Stand

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One Night Stand
(Tsukishima ft. You)

He was nameless to me, as I was to him. Though neither of us seemed to care about that fact at all as we pushed our way through the door of a random bedroom in the party house we had met in only a couple of hours before, his tongue teasing the soft spot between my neck and shoulder. I reached behind his back to lazily lock the door, my mind preoccupied with the absolute static he was bringing to the entirety of my body with just his mouth on my skin. Gently grabbing a handful of his blonde hair, I pulled his head up from my neck to immediately connect our lips together, letting a slight moan escape into his mouth through mine. He immediately followed that action with hands grazing down my ass and gripping the height of my thighs, forcing me off the ground. The blonde was significantly taller than I was but his strength left me no room to struggle with the height difference as he lifted me off of the ground and I had no other option but to wrap my legs around his waist, immediately feeling the growing bulge behind his pants against my own needy area.

Seconds later my back was flopped onto the bed, making me chuckle from the bounce. I watched with glittering eyes as he stood at the edge of the bed, in the process of taking his shirt off. The moment it hit the floor I whistled at the obvious toned muscles that adorned his body. He was one fine ass man and I knew I was certainly going to enjoy this.

He met my whistle with a smirk, obviously proud I found him appealing, pulling his jeans down quickly leaving him in his box briefs. “Are you going to just gawk or are you going to do something about the fact that you still have your clothes on?”

“Hmm, I could do that,” I mused with a smirk of my own as I pushed myself up on my elbows. “Or you could do something about it.”

Under any normal circumstance, a random fuck in the middle of a college party would not be part of my forte. That being said, here I was. Also, I wasn’t wasted. This was a completely sober decision on both of our parts, we made that very clear from the beginning. It was just obvious to both parties, one; neither of us wanted to be there, and two; we both had some steam we needed to let loose, that being the reason we showed up in the first place. That steam releasing activity just jumped over the alcohol part and went straight for the necks of each other. Not that either of us would file a complaint.

It took him no time at all to agree to my statement wordlessly, bending over the bottom half of my body from the end of the bed to undo my pants and pulling them down with no struggle. He crawled over me, stopping when his face was above my navel. His thumbs hooked under my shirt, pulling it up and trailing kisses up my stomach as he did so, making me let out a delighted sigh.

We have never met before this party but it seemed this man didn’t have to have any prior knowledge of me to immediately find my sweet spots. And I was eating the feeling up greedily.

I sat up fully once he made it to my chest so he could pull it off all of the way, now leaving me in just my bra and underwear. The tall man sat up with his legs on either side of me to take in my obviously beautiful bod, giving me a whistle like I did to him moments before.

I let out a laugh before leaning forward and connecting our mouths once again. It wasn’t a sweet kiss. It was immediately an intense dance between our tongues with small breaths playing in between parting moments. Everything felt desperate from both sides, the equality of our neediness making it so, so much more enjoyable.

“Skip the foreplay, ya?” I asked breathlessly after he had pushed me back down to the bed, realizing he had taken my bra off at some point during the short make out session without me noticing.

He smirked once again, damn that shit is so hot, before trailing his lips with sweet kisses back down the middle of my body stopping before the top of my underwear, giving the skin there a soft and teasing lick before practically ripping the garment off of my body leaving my bare.

“You don’t have to tell me twice.”

With the same swiftness he used to remove my underwear, he took off his own boxers leaving me to gawk at the sheer size of him as he rolled on a condom. I mean, I shouldn’t be surprised because he is so tall but, damn, am I going to feel that tomorrow.

Not that I was protesting.

Placing himself to hover over me once again, he leaned down to kiss my lips. I ran a hand through his hair and reached the other down to place his dick at the front of my entrance. Without a word and with a single nod from me, he pushed himself inside of me, my pussy already wet enough to slide in easily, making us part our lip instantly with a harsh gasp from each of our mouths. Our foreheads leaned against one another as I adjusted to his size and him to the feeling of being inside of me.

It took a few moments before he looked at me for the go ahead to continue moving and I gave it to him without hesitation.

This wasn’t going to be a cute and soft fuck. I knew this as soon as he rammed himself with his full length inside of me immediately after I had given him permission to move. A loud gasp escaped me at the surprised sensation of slight pain and pure pleasure his movement gave me but with little to no time to process as he continued with the same force and pace, carelessly making the bed we laid upon creek along with our movements.

“Fuck!” I cried, wrapping my legs aimlessly around the waist making his movements smaller (but certainly not slower) as he had little space to pull out of me now with the way I pressed him closer to my body.

His head laid on my shoulder, hair tickling my ear. I could feel his hot breath on my skin giving me goosebumps.

“Shit,” he breathed out with a groan which in return made me squeeze around him, his voice alone could probably take me over the edge. This involuntary action obviously doing something for the man towering over me as he somehow began to thrust into me faster. “God, that felt so good,” his voice growled into my neck before he roughly gripped the base of my hair and forced our lips together into an almost painful kiss, though I didn’t mind one bit. My entire body was too lost in the pleasure of feeling him wholly inside of me.

The hand he held in my hair removed itself as we continued to kiss each other sloppily, broken moans escaping us, and traveled its way down my body. His other arm held the blonde steady above me though the greedy pace in which he pushed himself into me didn’t stop. When his fingers met with my now incredibly sensitive clit I let out a yelp in surprise, not expecting the oversensitivity or the action itself making the tall man chuckle into our kisses.

“Fuck, if you do that I-I might just come.” I huffed through heavy breaths, my voice coming out a bit more whiny than I had expected but neither of us cared. The intensely hot and tingly sensation began to rise in the depths of my stomach, the words I just said definitely on their way to becoming true.

“Isn’t that the point,” he teased my ear with his words, his rasped voice causing the same pulsing from my now dripping pussy and in return making him groan loudly, biting down on the sensitive spot of my shoulder. This time it was certainly a whine that left my mouth at the pain he teeth brought me, though I had no issue with the feeling.

The pain from his bite, the sensation from his fingers circling my clit and the pace in which he pounded into me all brought the peak of the heated sensation forward telling me I was nearing my orgasm. “Oh my god, don’t stop,” I begged. “Shit, I’m going to come.” I breathed out a heavy whisper, my fingers dug into the muscles in his back as I began to squeeze around his cock.

He let out a deep moan before leaning his head down towards my breasts, lightly biting one of my nipples before pulling back and whispering above it, his thrusts becoming more erratic. “F-Fuck, me too.”

God, if I could feel like this forever I would. It’s quite unfortunate that I will probably never see this man again. I can’t remember the last time I was brought to the edge this quickly. Shit, and he’s so fine, too. How utterly disappointing.

credit to : pinkyisotaku for the photo

HaikyuSmuttSeries: Tsukishima KeiWhere stories live. Discover now