kiss it better

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"Can I kiss you?"

Leni turned her head and looked at the senator, who's sitting beside her— waiting for her zoom meeting to end.

"Is that a no?" Risa pouted.

The other woman turned off her mic and camera and replied, "Of course it's a yes, always."

Risa grins and her lips are suddenly on Leni's neck. She lingers for a second before pulling back, only to see the other woman blushing furiously.

"Ang cute mo naman, attorney," she says before going back to her seat.

"Attorney, can I kiss you?" Risa leaned to her, whispered.

Leni checked the surroundings before whispering back, "Just be quick, medyo maraming tao sa likod natin, Senator,"

Risa widely smiled as she planted a quick peck on Leni's cheeks and continued walking towards the other side of the Museum.

"Love, can I kiss you?" Risa asked as soon as Leni wraps her arms around her. She immediately threw her bag on the couch as she tightly hugged Leni.

"Oo naman, that's what I really missed since last week."

Risa leaned in and brushes her lips against the older woman's.

The kiss went on and on, neither one of them wants to end the romantic feeling. They took turns in trapping each other's upper and lower lips between their own, taking great pleasure in finally being able to taste each other after such a long time.

Maybe, just maybe, postponing meetings and engagements today just to travel from Manila all the way to the Attorney's hometown is not that bad at all, right?

"Love, can I kiss you?"

Leni unconsciously bit her lower lip and says, "Well, you just worked hard during your senate and committee hearings today, I think you deserve more than just kisses."

Risa leaned in and Leni meets her halfway. Their lips brush tentatively against each other, but Risa pressed a little harder, wanting to feel them fully against hers.

They kissed until they have to pull away, breaths shaking as much their hearts. My girlfriend is such a good kisser, Risa thought.

Risa barely take in a few gulps of air when Leni grabs the back of her head and kisses her again. She can't help but smile against her lips in surprise, she really meant when she said Risa deserves more than kisses. Risa responds passionately to her kisses.

Not until Leni abruptly pulls away, "Sorry, I forgot to tell you that I missed you," she says in a rush.

Risa stared at Leni, with her swollen lips and glazed eyes.

How can she be so cute and freaking gorgeous at the same time?

"Alam ko naman, now stop talking," Risa replied as she bring her mouth to meet Leni's once more.

"Can I kiss you, love?"

"Why do you keep on asking me this? You always know the answer naman."

"It's because I love you so much and I don't want na pilitin ka into doing something you don't want to do."

Leni stopped what she was doing and asks,  "What did you just say?"

"I love you."

"I love you more," Leni said with an affectionate smile.

"Can I kiss you, attorney?"

Leni gave her a smile that reaches up to her eyes, "Always."

Risa immediately drops her bag around her shoulders, wraps her arms around the other woman's waist— pushing Leni on the couch and lead their lips together.

Leni answered her kisses and brings her arms up to Risa's neck, deepening the kiss.

Eventually, they had to break apart for air. Risa nuzzled her face against Leni's neck and says, "Do you mean it? Really?"

"What do you mean?"

"When you said I can always kiss you?"

"Of course, I do."

Risa's mouth curved into a smile, "Alam mo, I imagined you saying that but under different situation."

The other woman's forehead creased, "I don't get it, darling."

"You mean, you imagined us getting married?" Leni asks, she pressed her lips together.

Honestly, given the situation they were in and not knowing what the future holds for them— or even in general, she can't help but be amazed with her girlfriend.

"Yeah," Risa answered. "Maybe we can get married after all this fiasco, maybe in Australia? Like what other people did?"

"You mean, after your term?"

"Hmm pwede, or much better during my term? Gusto mo bukas agad eh."

"Do you think we can make it?"


Leni sleepily smiled against Risa's neck at the latter's reply. She wanted to respond, but her eyes had other plans and already closed, the warmth of Risa's body enveloping her and giving her just the right amount of warmth and comfort to help her fall asleep.

Maybe Naga is her hometown; but she knows that Risa is definitely her home.

"Can I kiss you?"

"Oh my god, Risa." Leni whispers, trying to hold her laugh. "Kasasabi lang na 'You may now kiss the bride', hindi ka ba nakikinig?"

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