Chap 1

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Springtime was a wonderful time of year for Toad Town. The flowers blooming, the warm air, and also, the allergies.

'Let me guess, you also need something made for your friend's allergies?' Tayce T asked.

'How did you know?' Green Toad replied.

'Because this is the time of year that the pollen of flowers start bothering the ones who have allergies. And everyone starts asking me to make them something that helps.'

'Can't they just gulp down some honey syrup?'

'Doesn't really help.'

This year, the pollen was higher then ever, and Tayce T was busier then usual.

'Man, you've been busy this allergy season!' The owner of Club 64 remarked.

'Either it's the allergies, or everyone just loves my cooking!' Tayce T replied.

'Maybe both. (wink).'

After a long few months, the orders finally slowed down, and Tayce T could finally relax. Well, until the cold months come along.

Seasonal AllergiesWhere stories live. Discover now