Chapter 19 - Blood And Bandages

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Sam let out a much-needed sigh of relief as he leaned against the wall. The Midnight Man was gone now, for good. He had ruined Sam's life and the lives of his close friends and family. Revenge felt good.

"I win," Sam said kicking the salt. A gust of wind blew in through the open window, blowing cold summer-night air into Sam's messy room. Sam looked around at all of the damage The Midnight Man caused. Sam looked down at the floor and saw blood everywhere. His blood. He gasped and immediately lifted his shirt to examine the wound. Blood was gushing out of the huge cut in Sam's stomach. He could see some broken ribs and the crystal in there. He pulled out the sharp black crystal drenched in his blood. That was a bad idea.

"Oh no," Sam said as he realised that the crystal was stopping a lot of the blood from coming out; he may have just sealed his fate. Sam was panicking. He was losing so much blood it looked like it could fill a bathtub! This was serious. He ran downstairs in the dark, with no candle and no light. He needed bandages ASAP. He looked through the kitchen drawer and eventually found the first aid kit. Sam started to feel dizzy but tried to ignore it. Blood dripped over the counter, onto the chairs and the floor as Sam pried the first-aid kit open.

"Yes!" Sam exclaimed as he got it open with his shaking hands. Tears poured from Sam's face as he fell to the ground, defeated. Sam was in shock and disbelief. There were no bandages left.

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