Spin the soda

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~~~~~~~~~just before kevs party 'word'=writing sounds edds pov: ''''dear diary, Its still weird to right in you I mean it  helps, but still weird. Things are better than they were, Rayden and I are still together...sometimes I wonder if I really want to be in this relationship....I like Rayden but  not the way I should....I should feel really happy when I see him Like I do with kev...... '

Knock Knock

' I must be going now thats Rayden'

I go down the stairs a little clumsily. "Hi sweetie" as I go to hug like normal but before I could he stops me putting a hand on my shoulder. "Edd we need to talk.."

"O-okay" Oh god..... oh god. Rayden sits on my couch and pats the set next to him, slowly I sit next to him...oh my ohh my, my palms start sweating.

"Edd I think we should break up..." My mouth goes dry at these words..is it because I wouldn't 'put out' for him????!?!"Edd dont think its because you weren't  ready to have sex"

How does he know me so well all of my insecurities surface...Is it because I'm ugly? am I too fat? Am I too much of a dork for him? Too needy? I feel tears welling up in my eyes.

"Edd and don't think It's because you're ugly because you're not you're probably the hottest guy in town, It's not because your dorky or needy because you're neither, you're amazing in every way. There is someone way better for you than me and he's closer to you than you think." with than he envelops me in a warm hug. For some reason it feels like a weight has been lifted from me. The tears are already drying

"c-could we s-still b-be friends? Like r-real f-friends not the awkward post breakup friends?"

 "Of course Edd what would I do without my main wing man?" Rayden says as a smile plays on his lips

"You, sir would crash and burn"

"ouch Edd that stung, he Kev's having a party to night and he said he really wanted you to go" Rayden winks as he said the last part,, I wonder what that means ..

"Cool when?"

"In like ten mins" Rayden answers a little too excited"I have to go change."

"Cool I gonna go to kevs"I run up stairs and pull out some black skinny and my favorite band t-shirt and a black long sleeve. As I'm pulling on my shirt I hear my door open followed promptly by Raves voice

"Edd you ready?"

I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding."Yeah" I say as I come down the stairs.

"Damn double dee you look hot."

"Rave you sound like your boyfriend and thanks" I look at myself in the body mirror, realized I don't have my hat on, my hair is falling slightly over my left eye, my jeans fit me well and my shirt hangs in all the right places, I have to admit I do look good.

"lets go jackass" Rave snips at me, I've learned not to let it affect me.

"Theres the Rave we all love."  Before Rave could respond I walked out of the house and he fallowed.I let Rave go into kevins first.

~Kevin's Pov the party is starting I repeated some stuff from kevs pov last time~             

I've got everything ready and perfect meaning Edd safe, there's soda and water I had chips and cookies but also a veggie platter. I pushed my couch back so we all could play spin the bottle...

Ring Ring

"Come in its open" I hear naz yell from the kitchen I dash down to see who it is...

"The son Of The Shepherd has arrived!!"

"The booty King is here!!!! kneel before me bitches!!!"

"Hey Rolf , hey dumb ass" I greet my two friends

"To you its King DUMB ASS" Nat replies in his sassy manner before I can respond more people show up "Cupcake!!!!" Nat yells running up to give Rave a hug him "hey princess,h..." before Nat can finish his sentence Rave puts his hand out successful stopping his hug attack

"I'm not a girl and I'm not a princess" Rave sounds a little like the devil when he says this. I see Someone standing behind Rave ... is that Edd? Damn he looks so hot, mean he always looks cute but he looks really hott. His jeans fit him very well, his ass looks amazing... his hair sweeps over his left eye, oh my sweet gay baby Jesus,(A/NSomething we say in my hometown its a funny story) he's not wearing his beanie.

"h-hello Kevin"Edd says with a bright red face shit I must have been staring, but I mean who wouldn't right?

"Hey Edd" Nazzie cuts me off before I could say anything else to Edd

" Alright everyone Its time to play spin the soda pop. So get comfy." She pauses while everyone gets settled in a circle in the middle of my living room. Marie put an empty bottle of soda in the middle of the circle, when'd she get here?

Nazzie pecked her girlfreind on the cheek and continued "so how this game works is one person spins the bottle and whoever it lands on must answer any truth or dare that  the  other person ,0who spinned the bottle, gives you . If you don't do as the dare said or tell the truth you have to streek thought down the road, oh and you still have to do the dare if you dating someone"        

  " Alright kev you start" I spin the bottle and it lands a Rave, perfect I know what to ask

"So cupcake  has Nat ever tasted you "cream" I ask and he knows exactly what I mean.

"No its the other way around" Rave replies deadpanned Nat look smug and the rest of us were laughing.Rave spins and lands on a Rolf

" Rolf where the fuck are you from? and don't say the old country."

"Rolf is from Lesotho" Well that cleared absolutely nothing up...Rolf spined the bottle and landed on Nazzie.

"Rolf wants  you to tell us your really hair color." damn hes not pulling any punches

"Dirty blonde, that was weak Rolf, my turn.."

~~No Pov~~

The game kept going Until it was just Kevin, Edd, Rave, Nat, and, Nazie. Nazie spun the bottle and it landed on me.. shit... Nat looked up at Nazzie causing him to pull his lips away from Rave, who pulled Nat back into their heated kiss, but not before Nat Knew what Nazzie was gonna ask Kevin.

~~Edds pov~~~

This is really fun I'm glad I have friends......

"Kevin, who do you like as in want to date like."Nazzie asked, at those words my stomach did a flip and my palms got all sweaty Do I like Kevin? He is really cute, and he's kind, and he helped me so much, I do like him, Ray's words sounded in my head "There is someone way better for you than me and he's closer to you than you think." Was he talking about Kevin? It doesn't matter I don't think Kevins gay or bi.

Kevin's voice pulled me out of my thoughts " uh...." Kevin takes a deep breath and stares into my eyes, I can feel my cheeks heating up "I... like...uh Edd.

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