Who are you?

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Lisbon, Portugal 🇵🇹

It was a breezy afternoon, the seagulls, the crashing waves, and people walking around.
All were observed by Kim on the balcony of his house on the coast of Lisbon. Staying here for a year now after being thrown away by his father or so he thought. He had lost his memories 2 years ago, the last thing he remembered was going to run away from his damned family. It's been a year now and he got used to life out here.

It was a struggle at first to find out that he had been in another country with guards with him. Now he works as a barista at a nearby coffee shop in the evening and sleeps in during the day.

He was afraid to sleep every night, afraid that he'd be haunted by the man. Who touched him and gently caressed every bit of him. The faceless man that kept haunting him in his dreams.


It was morning and Kim can't sleep, he was standing on his balcony overlooking people passing by, some would wave at him and some would bowed. He just nodded his head in acknowledgment, the white see-through curtains draping above his visage. It was peaceful, his hand that rested on the balcony's balustrade gripping the marble tightly.
It was peaceful yet he felt empty, he was never full. There is always something that was a void in his heart. Something was missing, it was something he forgot.

But he never tried finding, no matter the urge to wake up one day and come back to Thailand he never did, there was this feeling in the back of his mind that it would be better left alone. Living in this kind of life and what lies ahead was his ideal for now. The inexplicable pain that it bought him and the ego that Kimhan himself made him live like the dead in Portugal.

Even his guards were locals of Lisbon and helped him with his treatment, but were not close to him. Once a month did his father call up him and check on him? Though he felt hatred towards the man, he answers the calls and speaks only when asked.

How he lived, how he is, the weather, his work all the trivial things he knew that needn't be asked because he knew every move he has, is being reported. He knew it all but kept mum about it.

"All but a day's worth" - Kim

He sighed and went back to bed, snuggling in the comfort of his room. Dozing off as he will be awake at night again.


Footsteps can be heard through the creaking floorboards of the mansion on its second floor. It was not grand, not as simple. The only thing that you could only count was at least 5 people coming and going to the mansion for 3 days and there was Kim. He can't possibly be mistaken it was Kim.

He treaded into the dark with some of his men knocking out 3 of the guards roaming around the house, and 1 standing at his door. It was inevitable but he shot the last one about to lunge at him with a silencer mag. Opening the huge wooden door to a room. All over draped a see-through white curtain on his bedpost, on the balcony some even lying at the edge of his bed.

Pushing open the curtains he saw that person he was longing to see for the past years.

"Kim...?"- Vegas

He said in a whisper as he came face to face with the man he searched, for a year now. Sleeping peacefully on a sea of white, snuggled in the comfort of his pillows. The bed dipped in on the other side as Vegas made his place on Kim's back hugging the latter without even waking up.

"Vegas..." - Kim

Kim uttered softly seemingly caught in a dream, eyes closed, brows knitted and lips pressed. He was dreaming and Vegas knew he was dreaming about him.
But when he woke up all had shattered as his next words broke Vegas' now fragile heart.

"Who are you? " - Kim

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