Roses Day Out

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Children's giggles and waves of laughter can be heard through the cafe as both run to the section where the flowers are displayed looking over the pretty roses in different hues.

"Alie, Alie wait for meeeee...." - Roseanne

Roseanne shouted before her elder sister being her twin who was older than her by a minute.

"Anne c'mon, it's pretty!"- Rosalie

"Rosalie, Roseanne what did I tell you about running" - Jeff

"Yes Papa!" -Alie/Anne

"Dear, let them it's their day out today" - Bible

"You spoil them too much, they don't listen to me anymore"- Jeff

Jeff grumbled as they sat on the couch to take an order. Today they spent. A day out together since the twins just got out of the hospital a few days ago. Bible was chuckling as he saw Jeff furrowed his brows as Anne was swooning at the roses almost tipping over it luckily Alie was there to support her.

It's been 2 years since they adopted the twins, Alie was energetic and lively while Anne is a meek child, a little sickly at times nevertheless still very adorable.

They already lost hope of adopting kids since being together for 5 years because they couldn't find the perfect child for them, when Jeff came by an orphanage at that time the twins were only 3 years old, he came by Anne first who was crouching down the bed of roses at the backyard. Anne was never up for adoption because of her sickly condition the orphanage decided not to recommend them to Bible and Jeff when they came over naturally twins should not be separated so Alie was out of the question as well. As the process for selection went on the two were waiting in the backyard playing in the garden of roses.

Jeff went around the vicinity to check the garden out when he came by Anne.
The kid in her pink sun dress was poking at the leaves of the roses teary-eyed.

"Hi, there? What are you doing here?"- Jeff

Anne who was wary of strangers look around, clutching her dress.

"It's okay I am a visitor I just came by to look around I won't hurt you" - Jeff

Jeff tried his best to be less daunting flashing his sweet smile. When he felt those little hands grab the hem of his shirt. The sweet teary eyes kid looked at him biting her lips.

"What's wrong sweetie? Are you crying?"- Jeff

Anne shook her head, pointing at the roses.

"Mister, the rose it's going to die. The caterpillar bit holes... *Hick .. " - Anne

She began to cry in small sobs. Oh, how Jeff's heart broke for this poor girl.

"C'mere sweetie, don't worry. The rose is strong like you are it won't die easily. Let's just move the caterpillar to a different place Mmmmm?"- Jeff

"O-okay mister"- Anne

I felt the need to open my arms to her for a hug, as snuggled her pretty little head to my chest. Patting her back to make the poor kid calm down.

"Hey! Bad mister!!! Don't bully Anne!!"- Alie

When I turn around I saw an identical face to Anne's, I was surprised as I looked at both of them.

"Whoa, pretty mister!"-Alie

She was pointing at me.

"Yes, very pretty right?"- Bible

Bible was already in the garden and before I knew I was having tea with Anne and Alie with Bible on the rose garden of the orphanage. As we came to know their circumstances through one of the nuns caring for them it was unfortunate for both kids. I felt so sad for them.

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