The Eclipse Cannon part 2

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Percy's pov
We finished the rocket, and i pile in with Sonic holding onto the wing, Knuckles coming along with. Tempest decided to stay behind, said she wouldn't be any help up in space anyways. I gather up some sea water into a canteen, and a water bottle full of nectar and a cookie box full of ambrosia, in case i needed it. Taking a deep breath tails yells." Ok, is everybody ready?" I nod," lets launch tails, we're out of time." Tails nods and flicks several switches and grabs a stick." Grab the stick knuckles, i'll need a steady hand to keep the wings even so Sonic doesn't go flying!" And i hear him yell back," ok!" And i reach for mine," whats my job?" Tails speaks up," you've got the most experienced in battle, if Eggman sends robots, call them out and shoot them out!" I nod," gotcha Tails." And the launch sequence starts, and i grip my seat, and tails quickly calls out." Nice, that took less fuel then i expected, we're rising into the stratosphere now." I look around, but the area is empty, but much more beautiful when not being controlled by an inexperienced driver with an intense fear of heights in Apollo's chariot-limo.
Tails states after another minute," loading into the ark, hold on tight. And after a moments rocking and shaking before landing, and the windshield opens, allowing us three to climb out and i draw Riptide. I was ready to fight no matter what. Sonic leaps off the wing and Tails tosses him the fake red emerald as he steps out in his mech, the X-Tornado, holding the real emerald and slotting it in. I take a breath. Exhale, and i walk toward the door with sonic at my side, tails and knuckles behind us because of the mech. After several minutes of walking, we step through into a large circular room, where Shadow and Robotnik were waiting. Robotnik speaks up first.
"Ah, sonic, how nice of you to show up. Now give me the emerald. Or your humanish friend gets it." I hear the click of a safety and i see the simple pistol pointed at me and Shadow glares at the doctor. This is going to likely get messy, my senses click into overdrive, but sonic steps foward, and sets down the false gem in front of him. Eggman then hits a button and a glass tube snaps around sonic and the gem. Without a second thought i rush to the capsule, dropping riptide. Sonic reaches over to the same side.
" i have been waiting so long to seperate you two! You have someone at your camp who really wants to see you Percy, a beloved Annabeth ring a bell?" Fury rises in me, and i glare down Eggman harder then i ever have, with any enemy." You don't touch Annabeth!" "Ooo, i've finally struck a nerve in your thick skin. Very loyal to a fault, Annabeth and my associate, a son of Arachne, of all beings, have been learning so much about you."
Hearing that, something in me cracked.
Just how much did She tell them? Sonic grips the window, and i take a breath, drawing riptide from my pocket." I no-longer care Robotnik! Today, it all ends!" Anger coursing through my being and mind, until he says back," but you have yet to notice the best part, it is over, cause Sonic is doomed with that Fake in there! I knew you guys had a fake, and i knew that in your dumb ideaology, that Sonic would land with the fake. So i was ready the whole time for your whole plan! Goodbye, Sonic the Hedgehog!"

And with a push of a button, the capsule launches, and i run to the window, watching it as it then explodes, and everything goes monochrome.
Sonic was dead...... the one who grounded me, kept me from drifting into grief and sorrow. My brother. I walk over and i whisper to tails." Give me the emerald and run to the shuttle, Shadow will realize what i'm doing and follow you. May the Fates chose to keep my line unsnipped." Tails looks into my eyes, but hugs me, and i hug the kit back as he hands me the gleaming red emerald, the color that matched what i felt. I'll catch up with you soon Sonic. For once.
I grip the emerald, and i channel my rage into it, losing myself in the chaos of the rage and memories.

Shadow's pov
That idiot human, but nothing i didn't expect. The doctor deserves to die like this, dishonored by a hero after ending his mobian brother. I lock the door behind me and Eggman rushes to the door as the winds inside swelled. Only to find it locked and i skate away. But as i keep skating, suddenly a pulse of chaos energy and i stop, to see sonic appear, freezing cold and gasping for air. Without hesitation i grab him, the fake dropping and shattering in his hands as he crumples into me. Looking at a nearby clock, it's too late to stop Percy, but i still can save Sonic, protect what they had. Sonic manages to stay." T-t-thanks-s s-Shads." I scoop up the weakened Sonic. Doing Chaos Control with that fake took alot of strength." Come on, we need to leave." " w-Why shads?" His body tempature was already restabilizing." Percy's ending this back and forth, for good." "HOW?!" I sigh, i try to bring myself to say, but it falls flat in my throat." You'll understand as we leave." Sonic looks into my eyes, and i could see his newfound anxiousness." Does he know i'm alive?" I sigh and shake my head, but i grab him before he can blast off." It's already too late to stop him, i locked the room behind him and the storm will have likely fully formed, the Arc is going to explode." Sonic stops fighting after a few moments." Ok, there's a chance, if he hits water, that he'll be ok." I nod," i know, let's go." He nods and as soon as his feet touch ground, he runs away from the observatory. I follow, quickly catching up and he jumps onto the wing and i jump on next to him." TAILS, we need to leave now before we all get ripped apart by Percy's storm!" The kit pulls us out and Sonic grabs my arm, as if ready for something. Within minutes we start to breach the atmosphere, and i hear a massive explosion, as i look back, my grip loosening for a moment, only for myself to slip, and i realize just how hard it is to hold onto a spacecraft,but i regain my grip thanks to sonic, and i look back, the Arc, not fully destroyed, but definitely damaged, and my heart ached for a moment, but i look to sonic to see him much worse off." Tails when do we land?" Tails responds," about 5 minutes, i know your just as worried as i am, but i gotta land this near percy's camp to use the most Mist possible to cover it." "Can't we just land in Olympus?" I ask and both Tails and Sonic facepalm as the craft then turns and heads for there. Once we land, sonic blasts to the throne room. I hope he stays safe, for Percy's sake.

Sonic's pov
I stop my running in the throne room. Looking up to the 12 i look for the one i need, but i don't see him, only Posiden and Hesita remain in the room." Where's Hades?! I need to ask him about Percy." That perked Posiden up." He went back to the Underworld, why?" I nod respectfully to Posiden
"Thanks Unc, i gotta jet, hopefully percy hit the ocean." Posiden causes he ground to shake as i turn to leave." What happened to percy?" " he damaged the arc, and hopefully brought eggman to where he belongs." Posiden then disipates into water vapor. I guess he'll be searching too. I burst back out, and i stop by the rocket." Hey Knucks! Where was the Underworld again?" "By the hollywood sign, why do you- do you seriously think i'm gonna let you-" "thanks Knucks, i owe you one!" And i boost away. I need to find percy.
Waiting for the elevator to stop was torturing, and only made me more anxious.
As soon as it opened, i boosted out. Percy needs me. Heading directly west, the sound barrier shatters miles behind me as my feet move faster and faster, and i boost again. Percy needs me. I see the sign and bank hard, skidding into a drift. I keep running, into the DOA Records door and into the Underworld, but i see the river. The Styx, Percy warned me that even touching this water could easily vaporize me. I run back a bit, and then i boost, making the whole cave rumble with my speed, i rush over the water with blazing speed, but it quickly becomes obvious what perce meant. It burned! Every droplet hurt so much! I stop on the other side, and i let myself scream, looking down to my legs showed that the river water had left me badly burned, and my shoes barely intact. Even my gloves were burned through in places. I need to find Percy, he needs me. Taking in deep breaths, i force myself to continue. I see the 3 lines of ghosts. I hope Percy isn't here, awaiting trial. I take off, slower due to my burned and hurting legs. Spotting Hades palace i force myself to go faster, zipping by his guards and i feel thier spear clip my quills." Hey!" But then i keep moving, no time to fight after all. I stop in the throne room and i finally fully stop, taking in deep breaths, my legs burning in pain.
"So you really decided to risk the Styx? Brave kid." "I need to know what happened to Percy, your the God of Death, surely you can tell me if my older brother really is-" i couldn't bring myself to finish. Sorrow hits me like a truck, and Hades says." I'm actually not certain, as soon as i heard the explosion i rushed back, willing to help Percy skip the lines and make sure your rival got Punishment, he did, so Percy succeeded, but i can't find his Soul here." "So then that means he survived?" Hades shrugs" some souls get lost on the way here. I even felt a honorable soul die up there. But i can't find him." I gasp, but i nod," o-ok, well if you find him, whether alive or other, please, let us know." Hades nods." Now follow me and i'll lead you home. You don't have the strength to take the Styx again, Son of Chaos." I glance up," whaddya mean by Son of Chaos? I'm no demigod, Perce's blade never hurt me." " your reality was created differently. It only had a handful of Gods, Chaos, Solaris, Light Gaia, and Dark Gaia. But Solaris has split in 2, Mephiles, and Iblis. Gaia departed our world and split in 2 to survive in your world. That's about all we know of your gods, since the prophecy was fuffiled for Chaos." I nod." Makes sense" we walk through a shadow and we land in Manhattan." Now get yourself all fixed up, Nectar and Ambrosia would be a bad idea still though." I nod, and Hades dissapears. I walk through alleys, slowly heading home.

I could barely feel anything, i felt entirely numb, not even able to think through the weightless numbness. Am i dead? No, i'm breathing. I have to be alive. Now, to try and see. I focus, and i try to open my eyes, but nothing responds. I must be too weak. I guess i'll sleep for now, recover, then try to get back home.

Time pases and my senses awaken again, this time less numb and breathing comes easier. I manage to open my eyes, Water? I guess that's where i ended up. I need to get baaa-oww ok, no moving, that just made everything hurt. Need to get home, my family, my brothers, must think i'm dead, i need to get home, prove to them that i'm still alive.

And arc 2 is done! What do you guys think is coming? And yeah, i fidgeted with some lore to help Sonic fit into this canon a bit better. And to help him survive the Styx. I had to make sure of that, either way, Stay Balanced-SIRABOOKS

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