Iblis Chosen

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????'s pov
I groan as i'm forced to land on heated rock, the endlessly polluted air nothing to my hardened lungs. My silver fur matted with soot and dirt. I stand and i launch back into the air with a flare of cyan energy.
The flames burst in front of me, and i focus, rerouting the blast of heat to the side and i land in the ruined building, panting from the ashen air.
My world had been like this for as long as i can remember.
Iblis is the monster that made it this horrible superheated state where only a handful of people survived.
H-how long until i become just another cindered corpse in the rubble? There's prantically no food anywhere, and fresh water was even more sparse. I'm so tired.
I can't sleep, not now.
I... i can't!
I can't control my body as i fall to the ground and slip into darkness.

Sonic's pov
I zoom around new york, Percy Vaportraveling next to me.
We're heading to Camp Half blood so that Perce could see how bad it's become.
We come to a stop in the forest and Perce reforms with a gasp. I point into the camp and the Big House. It's covered in blankets of odd purple smoke and shadows. Perce gasps as he sees the desolate training camp once full of demigods.
"Now i understand Chaos's warning.... do you know where everyone is?"
I shake my head," i heard the Chiron dude talking to someone named Philes? I dunno. I was still searching for you."
"Philes huh? I reconize that.... it's part of a name my dad mentioned mid Chaos. Mephiles, a Demigod who's actually a full god, just split in two. He was supposed to be banished on our home world. But i guess he found his way here.... where's his other half though?"
I shrug, but i tug on Perce's arm.
"We better leave before Mephiles notices us, i had to use the Emerald before to escape his notice once. I don't want a repeat."
Percy nods and we zip away and percy floats toward the sea.
I follow and dive in, taking a deep breath. Part of me always felt that it was weird, but i had learned to push it down. Perce grabs my hand and the currents wrap around us both and we slice through the water.
But as we go and grow close to our home on the edge of the city, we're slowing down when i see a whiteout of bubbles in front of us both. I let go of perce and i look down. Floating down through the blue sea was a hedgehog, likely a bright color of fur. But his fur was so heavily caked in either dirt or soot, something dark that he had dark fur and looked on the brink of death already. Without hesitation i swam down and grabbed onto the hedgies limp arm and i let out a few long notes and Percy looks on in suprise and nods, swirling and the currents shove us both straight up.
We pop above the waves in moments and i exhale, taking in air before i hear weak, struggling coughs from the frail, nearly skeletal hedgehog. I pull him into a position where his head stayed above water and i kick my feet to start pushing us to shore when a strong wave pushes all 3 of us to shore.
"Thanks Perce, this dude's really not looking good." Percy nods and comes over, and sighs in relief. Good. He's not in a position of drowning.... but what happened to him?
Perce seemed to be down the same thoughts as i sign and he shrugs and i pick up the strange hedgehog.
Straight up, this dude was lighter then me when Perce found me. I look to Perce.
" we need to get him home stat, he's so light."
Percy nods.
"Lets go, you can move faster then me, i'll call Tails and Knuckles, tell them your coming with a stranger."
I nod,"catch up when you can Perce."
I immeadiatly start running as Percy goes to hit his contacts on his phone.
Thanks to the slight detour, it wasn't a far run, but far enough that it took me a few minutes to run the distance and come to a stop at the door. I knock on the door using my foot and Knuckles throws open the door and i watch his jaw drop at the sight of the stranger.
"Knucx move it, this dude needs some sort of attention, what type, i dunno."
Knuckles refuses to move, so i employ one of the Sonic's way to move through crowds.
I turn around and i flare up my spikes, i calm them once i hear Knux yelp and a crash as he moves outta the way, and i set the stranger down on the couch, then rushing and grabbing a cup of water, zipping back and i sit down.
"So how'd you find him? I thought you both were going to the Half Blood camp."
"We did, this dude literally fell into the water a few hundred yards from shore. He was so tired that he didn't even stir the whole time. He barely had the strength to clear his lungs of water from what little i heard."
Knuckles looked about as shook as the Echidna ever had... this dude literally came out of nowhere, in probably the worst state we had ever seen, i was too.
As we both pondered, a weak gasp woke us both up, and Percy Vapor-traveled next to me. I sit up and i see the slight glimmer of a golden iris in front of me and percy carefully lifted the guys head up and i carefully say,
"Here, drink, you look like you need it." Carefully offering the cup of water, and i see him down the cup in a couple of swallows, but his resolve definitely felt strong as he started to push himself up.
"W-w-wh-where. A-a-am i?" He weakly asked and i take a breath before saying.
"Your in Manhattan, a part of New York City, i'm Sonic, and you?"
His gold eyes widen and he sits up.
"Manhattan? That's not possible."
"What-? Why?"
"W-where i come from, Manhattan was flooded with lava, it was completely destroyed nearly 200 years ago. W-wait... no, no i couldn't have...?" The stranger drifted off in thought.
I watch him look up, and lock eyes with the sea and gasps. He finds the door and goes outside, only to collapse when he hits the sand.
I smirk and i zip over, helping him stand and he says," call me Silver.... i-i'm- i wanna feel the ocean."
That suprised me, but i complied, helping him to the edge of the waves.
This dude straight up.... might be from a horrible future, i mean he looked it. But as he felt the water, he smiled like he hadn't in a long time, his eyes lighting up so brightly i feared they might become twin suns.
He laughed as a soft wave washed around him and i look to perce, to see his hand tensed, he was using his power to make sure no strong waves knocked him over.
I couldn't help but smile at that, it seems we both understood where this dude was coming from, he needed this. I stand next to him and i say.
"How about we get you all cleaned up? Perce and i will keep you from going under too long, if you trust us. Only if you trust us though."
Silver looks me dead in the eye and he slowly nods, and i gently lead him deeper into the waves, and percy steps in as well, just up to his knees, and he grabs Silvers arms and i carefully swim around and help to clean all the gunk from Silver's quills. As it turned out, he had brilliant, very faintly grey quills that naturally formed into a sun formation behind him, cleaning the quills on his forehead took awhile, and some convincing, but by the end, he was clean, and he got a few free splashes at us. We let him sleep on the couch and Perce and i passed out Wayyy before Tails went to bed.

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