Photon vs Phantom Knights

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(Yuma's POV)

"Awe come on (y/n) pick up."- Yuma

"Yuma, why is it that your trying to reach our new friend?"- Astral

"I wanted to see if he'd like to have a duel but, It's not going through."- Yuma

"Really? Here let me try."- Tori

So to let you all know I'm just getting out of school. And I'm itching for a duel not only that but, (y/n)'s fun to duel with. He always seems to come up with a way to win with his cards and he even gives me advice on what I can do to improve my skills.

"It's to bad."- Yuma

"Huh? What's to bad?"- Bronk

"Oh it's just. It's just to bad that not all number hunters are like him you know? Almost every person who has a number becomes even or is evil."- Yuma

"Your not wrong after all you've ran into a lot of number users but, in the end they all go back to being who they were before."- Caswell

"Which makes you wonder. Why hasn't (y/n) shown any signs of wanting to take Yuma's numbers? He might be scheming."- Flip

"Hey now knock it off not everyone is two-faced like you are flip."- Bronk

"How dare you I'll have you know I'm a straight shooter now!"- Flip

"Yeah sure you are."- Bronk

"Oh I got through."- Tori

"Huh!? Why'd he pick up for you and not me!?"- Yuma

"I can't talk."- (y/n)

"What?"- Tori

"I ran into a little acquaintance of mine and thought we'd catch up. And to answer your question Yuma, when I saw Tori call me right after you did I figured you guys might have needed me for something serious."- (y/n)

"Your not in trouble are you?"- Bronk

"Talk later bye."- (y/n)

"Wait don't hang up!!"- Tori

"Yuma feel as if your friend might be in trouble."- Astral

"Then let's go find him!"- Yuma

(Your POV)

'Sorry guys, whatever it is I'm pretty sure it can wait. What I'm doing right now requires my full undivided attention.'- (y/n)

"My turn I draw!!"- (y/n)

Let's see his Galaxy Eyes has 3000 ATK points with 2 face down cards. Worst part is I don't know what his Galaxy eyes can do. So do I play it safe or do I go on the offensive? First I'll take care of those 2 face downs.

"Alright, the first thing I'm going to do is activate Harpies Feather Duster!"- (y/n)

"What!?"- Kite

"Thanks to this card your two-facedown cards are going bye-bye."- 96

The 2 face down cards got destroyed by a strong gust of wind leaving Kite a little angry. I really don't care if he's mad or not he doesn't seem like the kind of guy I would like anyway so seeing that I'm making him upset is a little satisfying.

"Now then we'll summon to the field The Phantom Knights of Torn Scales!"- 96

"Now then we'll summon to the field The Phantom Knights of Torn Scales!"- 96

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Yu-Gi-Oh Zexal (male reader)Where stories live. Discover now